All resources in Science Review and Alignment

Currents and Marine Life

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In this activity, students explore the differences between upwelling and downwelling. Students will study graphics and photographs illustrating the two processes and then answer questions about each. Students will also analyze maps to understand where and how upwelling and downwelling occur.

Material Type: Interactive

Energy Resources

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This blog is designed for North Carolina's K-12 teachers and students who are interested in the topic of energy and alternative energy (nuclear and renewables). This blog is maintained by Dana Haine, K-12 Science Education Manager for UNC-Chapel Hill's Institute for the Environment, with funding provided by Progress Energy.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Dana Haine

Don't Drink the Water: Investigating a Cholera Epidemic

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In this lesson, students will learn about the scientific method and the characteristics of life by assuming the role of epidemiologists. The scenario that they will investigate is that many individuals in the school have recently become ill with gastrointestinal symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and headache). Students will discover the source of the illness, the microbe causing the illness, and the biology behind the organism spreading the disease. By examining stool samples made from molasses and water, students will examine differences between affected and unaffected individuals. The students will eventually determine the source of the outbreak is contaminated water in the school cafeteria and conclude that the microbe involved is a bacterium called cholera. Students will then conclude the lesson by investigating an outbreak of birth defects.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Graphing Aquatic Insects

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In this lesson, students will identify and name different aquatic insects. Students will create a graphic representation of the number of different species found, then use the data to determine the quality of the water in which the insects were found.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Life Support Systems

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In this series of activities, students will design and build models of nine life support systems which are crucial to a successful settlement of the Moon. They will make plans based on their knowledge of how these systems work on Earth.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: NASA


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This document provides activities to support the study of everyday phenomena and encourage students to take the first steps towards constructing a scientific model. The activities help students understand the apparent movement of the Sun, the length of daylight and its changes in the course of the seasons, the rotation of the Earth on its axis, the solar system and the universe.

Material Type: Unit of Study

Drinking Water

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Students learn about drinking water - where it comes from, why and how it is treated before municpal use, and how ocean water distillation may be used to alleviate water shortage problems in some communities. In an associated activity, students will build a device to distill seawater to create drinking water and discover some of the costs associated with producing freshwater from the sea.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Twin Cities Public Television