

Coin Collection

Name of Task 

(with link to the task)

Coin Collection


What skills does student need in order to complete this task?

Students need the foundation of place value.

-The different values of the digits

-The digits of the place value increase or decrease by a power of 10. 

What are the O.M.Gs?



Gaps in student learning?


-Value of the coins



         -Collection of many different coins’ value


-Values of the collection based on prediction or a table

Gaps in student learning:

-The value of a number changes place upon where it is located

-Value of the various coins

Vertical Alignment

What skills do students already know?

What skills do they need to know for the next grade?


Interpret patterns of multiplication on a hundred board and/or multiplication table


Explain that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right, up to 100,000. 


Explain the patterns in the place value system from one million to the thousandths place.

-Explain that in a multi-digit number, a digit in one place represents 10 times as much as it represents in the place to its right and 1/10 of what it represents in the place to its left.

-Explain patterns in products and quotients when numbers are multiplied by 1,000, 100, 10, 0.1, and 0.01 and/or divided by 10 and 100.  (NC.5.NBT.1)


What vocabulary do students need to know in order to be able to complete this task?

Is there any pre-teaching that needs to be taught?

No vocabulary will be taught to do this task

Vocabulary that will be taught in the lesson after the task : 







Times as


Place Value


Whole Number


What guiding questions can I help the different abilities in my classroom?

I’m Stuck

Entry: for students having difficulty getting started

- What is the value of a penny?

-What is the value of a dime?

-How much more is a dime worth than a penny?

- What can we do with the value of the collection?

Moving: for places where students could get stuck

(think about your O.M.Gs)

-Here are a few coins, what are their values?

-There are more coins in the jar, how can we determine how many I have versus what you have in front of you?

I’m Finished

Reflection: for students to use for metacognition (after completing the task)

-What do you notice about the values of your collection? 

- What patterns do you notice about the values of your collection?

-How is the value of the different digits?

- Explain your thinking in words, pictures, or numbers. 

Extension: for students to engage in higher-order thinking skills with respect to the same concept and/or problem

- How would you solve the collection if they were hundred dollar bills?

  • Planning Document

Lesson Objective

What skill(s) are you addressing in the task?

What powerful math practice(s) are you addressing in this task?



-Recognizing that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right. 


1. Makes sense and persevere in solving problems

2. Reasons abstractly and quantitatively

6. Attends to precision

Materials Needed

What materials are needed for students to be successful in completing the task?

- Jar of coins

- Ziplock bag with 100 pennies for various groups

- Ziplock bags with 50 dimes for various groups

- Ziplock bags with 50 one dollar bills for various groups

-Ziplock bags with 50 ten dollar bills for various groups

- Coin Collection Graphic Organizer

- Toolbox (place value chart & base ten blocks)

- Think-pair-share graphic organizer

-Accountable talking cards

-"I'm stuck" and "I'm finished" questions on index cards

- Presentation

Delivery Instruction

What is your hook?

Are you going to do any pre-teaching/exploration prior to the task?

How are you going to introduce your task?

Hook: Real word application of finding money (setting the tone of the lesson) 

-Pre-teaching based upon strategies I see during the engaging portion of the lesson.

Student Grouping

How will you group your students?


- Ability groups by problem solvers


How will you know what students learned? 

-Think-pair-share graphic organizer

-Coin Collection Graphic Organizer

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