Media Center Activity Collaboration Form Using Big 6

Media Center/Flex Lab Planning Form
Big 6 Style


NAME:  ______________________________________

BLOCK:  ______________    CLASS: _________________________________

PROPOSED DATE(S):  ____________________________________________


1. Task Definition (Big6 step 1 - Plan/Define task/problem.): 

2.  Resources Needed (Big6 step 2 - Determine all possible sources, select the best sources.) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.  Flex Lab or Media Center (Big6 steps 3, 4 - Location, Access, Use of information.)

4. What is the outcome expected for this activity - research paper, PowerPoint, Prezi, etc? (Big6 steps 5, 6 - Organize & present information; Judge the result.)


Have your student rosters been checked to be sure they have RUP (Responsible Use Policy) forms on file?  Yes ______        No ______

If not please submit rosters with this form.


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