Information Guide for Beginning Teachers

Chatham County Schools

Beginning Teachers Initial School Tour/Visit



Mentor and Contact Information

Access to what you need.  Who are the following and their responsibilities?

Assistant Principal(s): 





Testing coordinator: 

Media specialist(s): 


Child Nutrition Manager: 

Exceptional Children’s Teachers: 

English as a Second Language Teachers: 

Instructional Technology Facilitator: 

The Basics

  1. How do I sign in each morning?  How do I sign out each afternoon? 
  2. What are the hours for teachers? What are the hours for students
  3. Where should I park?
  4. Are there special dress code requirements for teachers?  For students?
  5. Where are the faculty mailboxes?
  6. Where is the faculty lounge and closest staff restroom?
  7. Where and how do I secure classroom supplies?
  8. What office machines are available to use?  Where are they located?
  9. What are the school procedures for using the copier?  How many copies am I allotted each semester? What if I need more?
  10. What are the school procedures for using the laminator?  How does it work
  11. How do I secure my teacher Chromebook?  Will the students have their own? What are the specific school rules for student Chromebook use?
  12. From whom do I secure teacher's manuals and additional textbooks?
  13. What other equipment may I use and how do I get it?
  14. What resources are shared?
  15. How is the media center scheduled?
  16. In what format do I need to turn in my lesson plans weekly to the administration?  What day are they due each week?
  17. What other duties am I expected to complete?  Hall? Bus? Lunch? Gate? Others?
  18. When may I use my cell phone?  
  19. What the expectations around social media?  What is acceptable to post on my school webpage/Twitter?
  20. What other information should I know?

Safety and Discipline

  1. What exit does my class use for fire drills?
  2. What should I do if there is an emergency in the classroom?  Whom should I contact?
  3. What is addressed in the Student Code of Conduct regarding student policy and discipline?
  4. What are the expectations for hall supervision during class changes and going to and from different parts of the building?
  5. What other information should I know about security procedures?
  6. Are there forms to be used to document parent contacts and discipline incidents that are particular to this school?
  7. How in-depth should emergency substitute lesson plans be and where should those be kept?
  8. What are the procedures for the first day of school?  Assemblies?  Team meetings?  Grade level meetings?  Other?


  1.  How many students will I have?  
  2. Where can I find my schedule?
  3. What are the attendance accounting procedures for students?  The tardy policy and procedures?
  4. When does my class or I go to lunch?
  5. What are the grading guidelines for the school?  
  6. Where are the cumulative folders kept and what is my responsibility for maintaining them?  Can I remove them to my room? Can they be stored in my room or taken from the school?
  7. How do I access information about modifications or accommodations that some of my students may need?

Other Items

  1. Who is the chairperson of the Building Leadership Team (BLT)?
  2. What does the BLT do? 
  3. Who are the other members and how are they chosen?
  4. Are there particular procedures for MTSS that I should follow?  
  5. Are there any other things I should know about the culture and expectations of this school and staff?
  6. Are there any hidden rules I should be aware of?

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