T4T Describing Measurable Attributes

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Measurement and Data


Describe and compare measurable attributes.


NC.K.MD.1 Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight.  Describe several measurable attributes of a single object.


a paperclip and clear view of a bookshelf


1.      Show student a paperclip and a bookshelf.  Allow student to touch and carefully examine each object. 

2.      Direct student’s attention to the paperclip’s.  Ask:

  • How would you describe the paperclip’s length?

  • How would you describe the paperclip’s weight?

3.      Direct student’s attention to the bookshelf.  Ask:

  • How would you describe the bookshelf’s length?

  • How would you describe the bookshelf’s weight?


Continuum of Understanding

Not Yet Proficient

●    Does not respond to prompts

●    Only describes non-measurable attributes of the objects (e.g., color, texture)


●    Describes only one measurable attribute of each object (length or height).

Meets Expectation

●    Describes length and height of both objects.

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