T4T Comparing Measurable Attribute of Objects

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Measurement and Data


Describe and compare measurable attributes.


NC.K.MD.2  Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has “more of”/”less of” the attribute and describe the difference.


a tower of 7 connecting cubes, a tower of 9 connecting cubes, stapler, pencil


Part A:

1.      Place towers in front of the student. 

2.      Say:

·         Look at these two towers. 

·         Which tower is shorter?  How do you know? 


Part B:

1.      Place a pencil and stapler in front of the student. 

2.      Say:

·         Look at these two objects.  You may hold the pencil and stapler.

·         Which object is lighter?  How do you know?


Continuum of Understanding

Not Yet Proficient

●       Does not respond to prompt

●       Unable to determine which object is shorter

●       Unable to determine which object is lighter


●       Correctly answers one part of the task



●       Correctly uses vocabulary (taller/shorter, heavier/lighter) to answer both parts of the task

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