T4T Molly and John Disagree

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Task excerpt:


Number and Operations in Base Ten


Understanding place value.


NC.1.NBT.3 Compare two two-digit numbers based on the value of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >,=,<.


SF and pencil


Provide materials to the student.  Read the problem to the student: Molly says set A is greater than set B.  John says set B is greater than set A.  Who is correct?  Explain how you know.  Show your thinking with pictures, numbers, or words.


A.                       B.


_______________ is correct because ___________ is greater than __________.

  (student name)                                           (#)                                         (#)


Explain how you know.



Continuum of Understanding

Not Yet Proficient

Response includes 0-1 of the descriptors in “Meets Expectations”

Correctly Identified:

q  Set A as 18

q  Set B as 13

q  Molly as being correct

q  18 is greater than 13

q  Both have one ten, 8 ones is greater than 3 ones (place value is referenced)


Response includes 2 of the descriptors in “Meets Expectations”

Meets Expectations

Response includes all of the descriptors in “Meets Expectations”

·         Identifies who is correct:  Molly

·         Correctly states that 18 is greater than 13

·         Clearly explains how they know Molly is correct by referencing place value


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