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  • NCES.WH.H.1.3.1 - Use Historical Analysis and Interpretation to identify issues and prob...
  • NCES.WH.H.1.3.1 - Use Historical Analysis and Interpretation to identify issues and prob...
Why Did They Fight? Understanding Nationalism, Imperialism and Militarism During World War I
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

Students will gain a better, more human understanding of the overwhelming sense of Nationalism that led Europe not only into a race for colonies and resources, but an arms race leading up to the war and eventually would continue to drive men to go "over the top" in the face of heavy casualties throughout the grinding years of the war, through an analysis of several primary sources from the WWI period. Students will then use this understanding of Nationalism in successive assessments to evaluate different national perspectives, and finally, in summative assessment will create their own primary source document that demonstrates why nations and individuals fought this war.

Social Studies
World History
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
The History Teaching Institute
Art Lewandowski
Date Added:
World History News Research Project
Restricted Use
Copyright Restricted
0.0 stars

In this project, students select a modern trend and follow it through various media outlets. By choosing articles, analyzing them, and writing about them, students begin to see how their respective trend influences the modern world. In the second half, students go back through history and research the same trend in the past. After compiling historical data on the trend, students combine the modern and the historical into a research paper that expresses their new understanding of the world.

Social Studies
Material Type:
The College Board
Date Added: