This video shows two different student-generated strategies for solving fair share problems …
This video shows two different student-generated strategies for solving fair share problems leading to a fraction less than 1. This standard relates to Common Core standard 5.NF.3, and North Carolina standard NC.5.NF.3.
The end of this video helps teachers see how standard NF.3 can be introduced prior to NF.1 (addition/subraction of fractions with unlike denominators).
Four full-year digital course, built from the ground up and fully-aligned to …
Four full-year digital course, built from the ground up and fully-aligned to the Common Core State Standards, for 7th grade Mathematics. Created using research-based approaches to teaching and learning, the Open Access Common Core Course for Mathematics is designed with student-centered learning in mind, including activities for students to develop valuable 21st century skills and academic mindset.
Zooming In On Figures Unit Overview Type of Unit: Concept; Project Length …
Zooming In On Figures
Unit Overview
Type of Unit: Concept; Project
Length of Unit: 18 days and 5 days for project
Prior Knowledge
Students should be able to:
Find the area of triangles and special quadrilaterals. Use nets composed of triangles and rectangles in order to find the surface area of solids. Find the volume of right rectangular prisms. Solve proportions.
Lesson Flow
After an initial exploratory lesson that gets students thinking in general about geometry and its application in real-world contexts, the unit is divided into two concept development sections: the first focuses on two-dimensional (2-D) figures and measures, and the second looks at three-dimensional (3-D) figures and measures. The first set of conceptual lessons looks at 2-D figures and area and length calculations. Students explore finding the area of polygons by deconstructing them into known figures. This exploration will lead to looking at regular polygons and deriving a general formula. The general formula for polygons leads to the formula for the area of a circle. Students will also investigate the ratio of circumference to diameter ( pi ). All of this will be applied toward looking at scale and the way that length and area are affected. All the lessons noted above will feature examples of real-world contexts. The second set of conceptual development lessons focuses on 3-D figures and surface area and volume calculations. Students will revisit nets to arrive at a general formula for finding the surface area of any right prism. Students will extend their knowledge of area of polygons to surface area calculations as well as a general formula for the volume of any right prism. Students will explore the 3-D surface that results from a plane slicing through a rectangular prism or pyramid. Students will also explore 3-D figures composed of cubes, finding the surface area and volume by looking at 3-D views. The unit ends with a unit examination and project presentations.
Gallery OverviewAllow students who have a clear understanding of the content thus …
Gallery OverviewAllow students who have a clear understanding of the content thus far in the unit to work on Gallery problems of their choosing. You can then use this time to provide additional help to students who need review of the unit’s concepts or to assist students who may have fallen behind on work.Problem DescriptionsSprinklersExplore different sprinkler layouts, looking at circular areas (and partial circles) to decide which will be best to water a lawn.Leaning TowerChoose a scale and use a ruler and protractor to make a simple scale drawing.Pizza DoublerIf you could choose between doubling the fraction of the pizza that a slice is, or doubling the radius, which option would give you more pizza? In this problem you will investigate which choice gives a bigger slice.Area and ScaleWhen a figure is redrawn at a larger scale the side lengths increase by the factor of the scale (if the scale doubles the size, the side lengths double also). But, does the area increase the same way? Explore a dynamic sketch and see how area changes when the scale changes.Tree House 1Given plans for a tree house, redraw the plans at a different scale.
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers. Students are asked to solve a …
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.
Students are asked to solve a real world problem, show their work using pictures, numbers or words, and record a matching equation. A scoring rubric is included. The task may be used for instructional or assessment purposes.
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers.A Common Formative Assessment (CFA) provides a snapshot …
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers.A Common Formative Assessment (CFA) provides a snapshot of current student understanding. It serves as a checkpoint, and may be used to guide future whole and small group instruction. This CFA addresses 2nd grade, Cluster 7 standards. Answer key is provided.
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers. In this lesson, students use manipulatives …
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.
In this lesson, students use manipulatives to explore addition word problems related to cats and dogs. This lesson plan also provides suggestions/materials for center activities.
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers. In this task, students sort animals …
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.
In this task, students sort animals into categories of their choice, and solve problems related to the categories. The task may be used for instructional or assessment purposes.
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers. Students are asked to solve a …
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.
Students are asked to solve a real world problem, show their work using pictures, numbers or words, and record a matching equation. A scoring rubric is included. The task may be used for instructional or assessment purposes.
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers.This file contains a set of 4 tasks (including …
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers.This file contains a set of 4 tasks (including scoring rubric and student recording sheet). The tasks may be used for instruction or assessment. The focus of these tasks is on solving problems that involve length measurements.Remix this resource to include student work samples or addtional tasks.
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers. Students are asked to solve a …
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.
Students are asked to solve a real world problem, show their work using pictures, numbers or words, and record a matching equation. A scoring rubric is included. The task may be used for instructional or assessment purposes.
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers. This file contains a set of 2 tasks (including …
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers. This file contains a set of 2 tasks (including scoring rubric, recording sheet, printable materials, and student work samples). The tasks may be used for instruction or assessment. Remix this resource to include addtional tasks. Sharing is caring!
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers.In this lesson, students represent and interpret three …
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers.In this lesson, students represent and interpret three categories of data in charts and tables. They analyze the data to answer compare questions about how many more are in one category than another. The lesson may be modified to integrate or emphasize questions about how many fewer. Samples of student work and student recording sheets are included.Remix this lesson to include extension activites or related math stations. Sharing is caring!
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers. This file contains several tasks assessing …
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.
This file contains several tasks assessing standards OA.1 and MD.5. Each task is a separate attachment with its own materials and scoring rubric. This assessment may be used for instructional or assessment purposes.
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers. In this lesson, students "notice" and …
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.
In this lesson, students "notice" and "wonder" as they look at a real world photograph. Then, they use a variety of representations to solve a problem related to the photo.
By the end of this lesson, students should be able to solve a "put together, take apart" word problem by decomposing 8 in a variety of ways.
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers. In this lesson, students solve a …
This resource is part of Tools4NCTeachers.
In this lesson, students solve a word problem using a strategy of choice and share the strategy to develop the concept of representing and solving problems involving addition and subtraction within 20. This lesson format may be used with any problem type appropriate for the grade.
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