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  • united-states-geography
U.S. Geography
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Last summer, I was asked to teach a course in U.S. Geogrphy that would engsge the students, while encouraing development of a final project.  So, I created a 24 session course under the guise of a "Travel Plan" and seperated by geogrphic region of the United States.  I presnted copies of the travel plan to each student in folder to help them take ownership.  During each sesion, the students would view 2-3 short website-based videos that presented the content (state bird, flower, nickname,, etc) with creativity, and would also engage students in identifying historical/geogrphic lanndmarks, colleges/univeristies, professional sports teams, famous indiividuals,, etc associated with each state.Students were highly engaged in identifying the answers to the quesitons in their travel guides, and in learning about the states, and in making connections about the states during American History 1 and 2 from this past year.I've attached copies of the website list I used (Homeschool Pop was great for presenting state information), U.S. Maps, and a lsit of videos from WRAL's "Tar Heel Traveler" series that presents "oof-beat" informnation about North Carolina culture, hsitory, individuals, etc.

21st Century Global Geography
American History
Material Type:
Unit of Study
Nathan Rutko
Date Added: