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  • UMBC Center for History Education: Teaching American History Lesson Plans
African Americans and the Democratic Party
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In this lesson from the UMBC Center for History Education Teaching American History Lesson Plan site, students will use primary sources to analyze how African Americans shifted party loyalty from the Republican party to the Democratic party, in part due to Roosevelt and his New Deal programs.

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
UMBC Center for History Education: Teaching American History Lesson Plans
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Brown v. the Board of Education: Success or Failure?
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In this lesson from the UMBC Center for History Education Teaching American History Lesson Plan site, students will delve into how difficult school integration was despite the Brown v. the Board of Education landmark decision. Students will examine legal documents, press reports, and personal accounts of the era in order to understand the complex social conditions that made integration a decades long endeavor, with issues that still exist today.

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
UMBC Center for History Education: Teaching American History Lesson Plans
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Civil Rights and Cold Warriors
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In this lesson from the UMBC Center for History Education Teaching American History Lesson Plan site, students will explore both the civil rights movement and the cold war in the years of 1946-1968. Students will analyze the role of Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy in their commitment to civil rights and what role the Cold War played in their civil-rights initiatives.

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
UMBC Center for History Education: Teaching American History Lesson Plans
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A Presidential Decision--The Bay of Pigs
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In this lesson from the UMBC Center for History Education Teaching American History Lesson Plan site, students will explore the relationship between Cuba and the United States, and examine primary sources in order to understand the causes and consequences of the failed coup.

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
UMBC Center for History Education: Teaching American History Lesson Plans
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