Thoughts on the webinars

by KATHY DOLLYHIGH 4 years, 7 months ago


I am so grateful to be a part of this group now and feel that I received excellent information in all the webinars.  The instructors are very professional and knowledgeable.

My problem is that I stayed overwhelmed most of the time - I am not the most technical person in the world - so having to go to another page to watch a video was more than I could accomplish in two minutes!  (I now know how some of my students feel when we go over something new.)  It also took me a long time to maneuver on the spreadsheet, and I had to get help from the ":green button".  They were wonderful, by the way!

All in all, it worked out once I had time to sit and explore, but I'm telling you this in case  some others may have had some of the same issues. I actually felt a sense of accomplishment when I could paste a link in those tiny cells on the spreadsheet.

You were all wonderful and modeled such great instruction, and I would highly recommend this instruction to any educator.

Thank you so much!!

Kathy Dollyhigh

Jeremiah Raddatz 4 years, 7 months ago

Hey Kathy,

I have struggled with the following along, getting all the correct windows open all at once and looking at a window that does not look the same, do to it being minimized partially so I could follow webinar. I get it! 

I am considered a melenial by age as I was born in 1983, but I am one of the dinasour melenials/closer to many gen x people in attitude and world view. Other than communication and entertainment I have a hard time getting into technology. I am into YouTube videos for learning and entertainment though.

I want to applaud you for gutting it out. Sometimes this course makes me anxious and I have battled some pain/health challenges this last year both in the classroom and during digital learning. Today and most of this week have been physically painful. I have been to the Duke Spine Center, Duke Sports Medicine, and to the Chiropractor this week for treatments. All the rain is not helping things pain wise. I plan to hang in there though and do my best make to make it through second half of the course. I taught PE on crutches for close to a month last year.

Us ones struggling have got to pick each other up and encourage either other through the mission this next week and a half. 

Our goal has got to be to finish the mission. You can message me anytime. Not sure I will always have the answers, but we can encourage each other and so our best. We can be each other's wingmen!

-Coach Rad 

Graham Middle

"Falcons Rise"

Pam Batchelor 4 years, 7 months ago

Coach Rad,

I'm glad you are also sticking it out and learning along the way. We wish the times allowed for us to have more face to face training opportunities but we are all just doing the best we can in these times. Please know that the #GoOpenNC team is always here to help and cheer you on!


Pam Batchelor 4 years, 7 months ago


Thank you for posting such a thoughtful and inspiring message. I am so glad you are sticking with us and finding the experience to be meaningful. Our community is grateful to have you as a member.

