by Manda Stiegel 4 years, 7 months ago


I am a coding and robotics teacher for K-5th grade. I can evaluate many of the resources, but I am finding very few that I can remix. I used the filter remix and share, and there are lessons that come up, but they won't let me remix them. So far, I have only been able to remix one, but I can't change the descriptions. All the others that would apply to my age group does not let me remix. What can I do?

Jeremiah Raddatz 4 years, 7 months ago

I had to ask about similar challenges.  Talk to/email JoAnna.  They ended up having me do something that involved OER.  I  am still working on it.  I ended up using a subsite or something of goopennc and they assigned me a sports injury article to work on.  I reviewed it successfully and am working on remixing it though citing everything is the thing I am still  working on figuring out.  The review takes time, but with rubric is not too bad once you get started, but I agree you need a source your can remix before bothering with that.

They had health articles, but nothing PE/Health to remix so with JoAnna's help, we found a way around the mess and I am working still, though the situation has somewhat improved.

JoAnna is a good helper who will work with you.  I would contact her if you already have used the green support button and asked for help.  I know that can be frustrating from experience. The green support button takes the load off of leadership I think for general questions.

I empathize with your frustration and pray you will find success.

Manda Stiegel 4 years, 7 months ago

Thank you! I have used the green help button for the one that I was able to remix, but for some reason wouldn't let me remix the description. I will reach out again using the green button after I get my first answer. Thanks again. 

Jeremiah Raddatz 4 years, 7 months ago

Yes.  Try that first and then ask JoAnna if no clear response or difficult to understand.  I would go about things in that method.  Sometimes green button is helpful, sometimes I needed more help personally. 


You may fair better as a coding, robotics, computer/tech person than myself. I personally specialize in physical fitness, health, history, social sciences/social studies, mathematics, and coaching so not as tech skilled as you.  I have had an article published/edited by somebody esle in a local paper before that dealt with a high school final four basketball team and the fan base.  That is my only experience as an author/writer.  I also won a local essay contest on"What Freedom Means to Me," as an 8th grader.  That was decades ago.


This review/remixing is definately a new ballgame for some of us if not the majority of us possibly.  I will pray for you, just did, and wish you luck!  Have a great day!

Joanna Schimizzi 4 years, 7 months ago

Hi Manda --


I think that I just sent you a few support messages over the Green Help Desk ticket, as those notifications and that platform allow me to better serve you. 


For anyone else with similar questions:


If an item allows remixing, but does not have a remix button, you can copy/paste it into a new resource. We shared the steps on how to do this in an email from the Hub on May 27th and May 30th. I'm sharing them again below.

Here is an example lesson that is remixable but does not have the the remix button -

​That lesson has the license Creative Commons Attribution 4.0,which allows you to legally remix. But it does not have a remix button. This is because it was built on an external platform. However, you CAN remix this by creating a new resource on the platform. 

​1) Click "View Resource" on the original resource

​2) Select the parts of the resource that you want to copy and right click and choose "copy" or use "Control+C"

​3) Go back to GoOpenNC and click "Add OER" at the top and choose "Open Author"

​4) In the "Main Content" section of the new Open Author, you can paste everything that you copied.

​5) Make your edits to remix it to add your own lens and customizations

6) In description, give conspicuous attribution as described below.

 (a) call it a REMIX with the same title, (b) give attribution to the author and (c) provide a link back to the original. When you make a new resource, you are using the "Add OER" button and the "Open Author" choice. This way you can copy/paste the original, add your changes that add a CRT lens/focus/opportunity and then publish. 

Thanks for your engagement and let us know if we can be of further support.

Manda Stiegel 4 years, 7 months ago

Thank you for your email. I was able to edit the content. I thought when we clicked Publish, it would go straight to Publish. I will go ahead a try these suggestions for the ones that come up in the remix and share, but don't have the remix button. They were for the lessons. I use them all the time in my classroom. It's an amazing resource. 

JANNETTE DELGADO-OLMEDA 4 years, 7 months ago

Even when you are looking for resources that are parallel to your expertise, I believe you should try other subjects you feel comfortable reviewing, ...

Working vertically and horizontally in the educational plane, we are all: language teachers, technology users, Social Studies supporters, and Math connosiers, so to speak. So, remix what you can as in the long run it will benefit all others that need your input.