May 1st District Next Steps
by Joanna Schimizzi 5 years, 6 months agoWhat are the 1-3 next steps that your district/school is planning to take to engage with #GoOpenNC?
What are the 1-3 next steps that your district/school is planning to take to engage with #GoOpenNC?
I am so excited to be connected with the districts in the West to collaborate and provide some PD around the GoOpenNC movement.
Yes! And we are so excited to invite you in to train us!
Yes! And it would be wonderful to learn more about each district's plan for rollout!
Thanks Alyssa! Can't wait to meet more awesome people in McDowell County!
Yes! Another example of where Western NC can model excellence for the rest of North Carolina!
Yes and we are also excited. We love your positivity!
Starting with small district groups to begin exploring and curating resources. These small groups will begin to create and submit products midyear. 2nd semester will be to introduce to more educators.
We are also looking at starting with small groups that will explore the resources.
I think it is so smart to start with small groups. Excitement and interest spreads so much more rapidly from teacher to teacher than it does from administration or decrees!
Yes, and the small district groups could serve as cheerleaders in their schools.
I wonder how the second semester educators might be selected.
I think those groups might form organically - meaning, educators who are excited because of what others are doing and sharing may then jump on board, thus creating your seceond semester groups!
Yes! ...and these small groups (your early adopters) help build the coalition of the willing that grows adaption to others in a grassroots way as opposed to a traditional top-down driven method.
1. Meet with all lead stakeholders.
2. Training for lead stakeholders
3. Stakeholders train staff
I love these next steps. I wonder who might be your specifically targeted stakeholders who will be trained.
Media Coordinators, Academic Facilitators, TOYs, ITFs, District Level Staff
Yes, and those stakeholders can share successes from their staff trainings.
I wonder who would be considered lead stakeholders.
Jackson County
1. Initial exploration and awareness of available resources.
2. Teacher leader group will begin evaluating aligned resources and incorporating into planning including collaborative meetings to evaluate and share resources.
3. Plan to share with all school personnel.
1. And we are doing the same first step. I wonder who will be responsible for this and if you are doing this at the school level?
Yes and we are also wondering who it will be too and that teachers will be able to see how awesome it could be.
I wonder how y'all are going to identify who will be part of your teacher leader group
Introduce to district leaders. Show examples and explain timeline.
Work with lead teachers to train and use resources.
Hold monthly OER collaboration meetings.
Yes, and we are also thinking of trying to hold "monthly" support groups. I wonder if you have decided to have these meetings in person or digitally?
Initially, we plan to hold these face to face. After those initial meetings, we will let the group drive that decision.
Henderson County District
1-Basic introduction to all certified staff, at the school level, by October
2-Begin identifying committed collaborators
3-Provide committed collaborator additional support and training. They will then begin to identify their collaboration roles.
Yes and the committed collaborators can share their resources in groups.
I wonder how the committed collaborators could be invited and incentivized.
Kenneth, this is good food for thought.
What is your plan for identifying and "keeping" committed collaborators?
Yes and remember that the slides from today are available for remix to help this introduction process!
I wonder if the use of facilitated protocols (e.g. SRI Protocols) can catalyze this training?
I like the evaluate point is very important, we must also regroup and re-center as needed.
I wonder how you plan to identify "early-adopters" and how they could be offered support.
And you will receive a lot of good, useful feedback!
Yes and step three is a critical part of any improvement effort - measure what you want to improve!