Talk to district leaders about the initial plan of sharing #GoOpenNC
Engage district level Instructional Coaches and DT&L Specialists within 2 months, introducing them to Go Open NC, how to find and use high-quality resources as well has to evaluate resources already available.
Engage MCL's and DLC's at the school level within 4 months, ntroducing them to Go Open NC, how to find and use high-quality resources as well has to evaluate resources already available.
Create momentum for #GoOpenNC Movement! Integrate introduction/exploration time in district wide PD offerings already held for Digital Learning Comptetencies.
Introduce to administrators/directors during monthly administrator meetings.
Meet with "community" which includes directors, administrator representation, lead teachers, ITFs to brainstorm impact of moving current resources to the OER.
Create plan for Beginning Teachers to begin lesson/unit study with the end goal being to rate/remix/create and add to the OER.
Provide PD for staff on OER Resources, encourage teachers to think of lessons and resources they would want to share, and select at least 1 staff member from each department to create or remix a resource.
Train instructional coaches and content specialists on GoOpen in June 2019.
Instrucional coaches and specialists will find 1 resource, remix 1 resource, and upload 1 resource by October 2019.
Instructional coaches and specialists will create a plan for their individual schools to train teachers on GoOpen. Must be complete training and have their staff be able to find 1 resource, remix 1 resource, and upload 1 resource by June 2020.
Our next steps are continent upon the acutal relase date of the GoOpen resources. As a district we will develop a plan how to roll out to teachers. If the resources are released in early August, we may provide training for staff during professional development sessions in our back to school plan. If the release date is later (Oct - Dec) we will have to do a rolling release by: 1. Providing information PD about OER, 2. Target specific teachers/subject areas such as Social Studies and Science (we are using Open up Math and CKLA for language arts that are open resources already) 3. Open up to entire district staff possibly during professional development sessions by LEA.
Yes and I think it would be great to go back to share with district leaders first about #GoOpenNC to get them onboard.
Yes, especially the second point and the DTL/Friday Institute evil rubric can be a resource!
1) Multiple staff members attend trainings and debrief afterwards to determine next steps
2) Engage in discussions with staff and teacher leaders
3) Integrate use of OER into our organizational practice
I wonder how encouraged teachers would be to hear from fellow teachers about these resources compared to a whole school training. Great idea!
Yes, and considering having small groups of teachers within the same content area may also beneficial.
I agree! Our thought is that teacher leaders would become "experts" and "coaches" to their small group of teachers.
Lee County Schools:
Create momentum for #GoOpenNC Movement! Integrate introduction/exploration time in district wide PD offerings already held for Digital Learning Comptetencies.
Introduce to administrators/directors during monthly administrator meetings.
Meet with "community" which includes directors, administrator representation, lead teachers, ITFs to brainstorm impact of moving current resources to the OER.
Create plan for Beginning Teachers to begin lesson/unit study with the end goal being to rate/remix/create and add to the OER.
Yes and creating the plan to include beginning teachers into the mix is a great idea!
Yes for our BTs! And what if there is an opportunity to look vertically while evaluating while you are in a resource?!
* Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools
What are the 1-3 next steps that your district/school is planning to take to engage with #GoOpenNC?
* Share/discuss with district instructional leads
* Share/discuss/plan with school based instructional leads
* Use Implementation Science Framework to set the stage for exploration and identify the content areas who demonstrate interest/need
East Wake Academy
Provide PD for staff on OER Resources, encourage teachers to think of lessons and resources they would want to share, and select at least 1 staff member from each department to create or remix a resource.
Franklin County Schools
Guilford County Schools
Next steps:
Our next steps are continent upon the acutal relase date of the GoOpen resources. As a district we will develop a plan how to roll out to teachers. If the resources are released in early August, we may provide training for staff during professional development sessions in our back to school plan. If the release date is later (Oct - Dec) we will have to do a rolling release by: 1. Providing information PD about OER, 2. Target specific teachers/subject areas such as Social Studies and Science (we are using Open up Math and CKLA for language arts that are open resources already) 3. Open up to entire district staff possibly during professional development sessions by LEA.