Johnston County Wow, Wish, Wonders

by Amy Stanley 4 years, 11 months ago

We have been talking a lot about Equity and the perception of equitable access for all.  We have to build a strong argument for helping our teachers, board of ed, and other stakeholders to see the value of GoOpen and it's resources.

Wish there were a way to have data to show our stakeholders what and how often our teachers are using it.

Wow - the power of the hub - we can't wait to get started with building a hub for our district.

Wonder - when the application is live how many teachers will access without guidance and be left wondering how to use this new platform - will they find something great and be excited or will they find a broken link and write it off. SCARY!!!  How do we head that off and give them guidance from the beginning.


Tori Mazur 4 years, 11 months ago

Amy, the point about data use is important.  Member stats are available.  For example, I click on your name to see your Profile Information and then the Member Statistics tab. I can see your user activity.  Or do you mean something more holistic, like a dashboard overview of members in a whole Group or Hub? That would be interesting, too! 


Amy Stanley 4 years, 11 months ago

Yes, I was thinking more the dashboard idea.  The team showed us how to look a individual user activity.