Preliminary discussion was to solicit volunteers from all schools to be representative of discipline and grade level. However, I saw another post that talks about SIT recommendations.
What are the 1-3 next steps that your district/school is planning to take to engage with #GoOpenNC?
1. Discuss with CAO and district ITF what the overall plan is for our county. How do we want to introduce this in our county to make teachers aware of what will be available?
2. Make Principals aware that this is being worked on and will become available Fall 2019.
3. Discuss with CAO, who is in charge of district PD, how can this be implemented as a PD session next school year - Spring 2020 projection. Do we use teacher leaders? Who would select these teachers?
Yes! Love the idea of training some new folks and spreading the knowledge. And you can remix the Professional Learning Resources that ISKME/DPI/GoOpen has for training. No more re-inventing the wheel!
I would think it would be beneficial to select teacher leaders that have shown success in the past with creation of lesson plans and have the capacity to view these resources and help their fellow teachers.
1. Finish planning next steps, including a long-term plan for how to introduce NCGoOpen across the county.
2. Conduct PD on NCGoOpen, starting with targeted groups (curriculum chairs, ICs, MCs, AIG, FTs, CTs, etc.).
3. Hold curation parties where common groups (elementary MCs, middle school ICs, curriculum chairs, etc.) curate exisitng resources they feel would be helpful to add to NCGoOpen and begin to add them to the platform.
Yes Hertford County also discussed how to get our "leaders" involved for their support. I wonder if this is something that could be added to the Regional Prinicpal meetings?
1. The librarians will familiarize themselves with OER and plan training for the district.
2. The librarians will provide a mandated PD to all faculty on copyright and open resource materials.
3. The librarians will offer yearlong PD for DLC credit to instructional coaches and to go-getters at the end of which those teachers will help facilitate county-wide PD and give their testimonies on OER.
My school is First Flight Elementary School in Dare County.
We will create teacher groups.
Fill in curriculum gaps.
Grow the group.
Yes I agree curriculum gaps have to be filled, and I think having specific teacher groups will help with addressing that.
Good idea.
I wonder how many teachers you will have in a group?
I wonder what level(s) would your pilot group cover.
Preliminary discussion was to solicit volunteers from all schools to be representative of discipline and grade level. However, I saw another post that talks about SIT recommendations.
I wonder what teachers you will target for your pilot group.
Yes, and creating a survey may help to guide what types of resources teachers are looking for or creating.
Yes, and I hope it goes well!
Camden County Schools
1. Discuss with CAO and district ITF what the overall plan is for our county. How do we want to introduce this in our county to make teachers aware of what will be available?
2. Make Principals aware that this is being worked on and will become available Fall 2019.
3. Discuss with CAO, who is in charge of district PD, how can this be implemented as a PD session next school year - Spring 2020 projection. Do we use teacher leaders? Who would select these teachers?
Yes! Love the idea of training some new folks and spreading the knowledge. And you can remix the Professional Learning Resources that ISKME/DPI/GoOpen has for training. No more re-inventing the wheel!
Yes and I see in the future that OER will become a great asset for beginning teachers and need to be included in the BT professional learning.
I like your idea of adding teacher groups for National Boards.
Yes, and using teacher leaders within the schools can have a positive impact on how GoOpenNC gets off the ground.
I wonder how you will ID the key teachers. Will that be a matter of seeking volunteers or targeting selected individuals?
Thanks Hugh, I'm thinking that will be decided by out SIT team and Principal. We are really small.
Good idea to feel it out with a small group.
I would think it would be beneficial to select teacher leaders that have shown success in the past with creation of lesson plans and have the capacity to view these resources and help their fellow teachers.
Pitt County Schools
Next 3 Steps:
1. Finish planning next steps, including a long-term plan for how to introduce NCGoOpen across the county.
2. Conduct PD on NCGoOpen, starting with targeted groups (curriculum chairs, ICs, MCs, AIG, FTs, CTs, etc.).
3. Hold curation parties where common groups (elementary MCs, middle school ICs, curriculum chairs, etc.) curate exisitng resources they feel would be helpful to add to NCGoOpen and begin to add them to the platform. the idea of curation "parties"
Yes and Everyone likes a party. Rather than just bringing refreshments, teachers could be invited to bring their best lesson plans or unit plans.
Curation parties sound like a great idea to provide intentional time for using this platform.
When would these curation parties take place? Thinking of my own district, teachers would not want this to take up their planning time to complete.
Edenton-Chowan Schools
Yes and lead teams would be a wonderful at getting the buy-in.
Yes Hertford County also discussed how to get our "leaders" involved for their support. I wonder if this is something that could be added to the Regional Prinicpal meetings?
Agree with your step on providing copyright laws, very important on so many levels.
Northampton/Conway Middle/Gaston Elementary/Northampton County High School
Next Steps:
1. The team members that attended this training will convene and explore the platform prior to providing PD.
2. Assemble team by September.
3. Provide professional developement on the platform.
Gates County Schools
1-3 next steps:
1. The librarians will familiarize themselves with OER and plan training for the district.
2. The librarians will provide a mandated PD to all faculty on copyright and open resource materials.
3. The librarians will offer yearlong PD for DLC credit to instructional coaches and to go-getters at the end of which those teachers will help facilitate county-wide PD and give their testimonies on OER.
Yes, and your librarians are a fabulous group to help get this off the ground in your district.
Great idea to offer DLC credit, good motivation.