What are the 1-3 next steps that your district/school is planning to take to engage with #GoOpenNC?
We intend to hold small informational sessions with our school leadership to get them familiar with the platform. We will expand from there to engage teacher leaders in the process who can take the knowledge of the platform back to their PLCs. As the school as a whole gets comfortable with GoOpen we want to have PD on creative commons and copyrights. Then, we will begin to have teachers post to the platform, collaborate on the platform, and evaluate materials.
Yes, I love tapping in to the teacher leaders on PLCs... and some of your go-getters who may not be in that role but would pick up the ball and run with it, too!
Yes, feedback from these teams is vital to the needs in your district...and think about sharing this as a space for other professional learning you can build on to, not necessarily as one more thing.
1. Based upon end-of-year data, will identify one curriculum area at Troy Elementary School, West Middle School, and East Montgomery High School to pilot OER platform.
2. Team will introduce OER platform at Leadership Academy in August.
What is your district/school name?
Jones County Schools
What are the 1-3 next steps that your district/school is planning to take to engage with #GoOpenNC?
1- The district group is going to have to work on the platform and learn some specifics
2- Identify a group of teachers to introduce the platform and start working in it
3- Share with entire staff
Yes, work "in" it, not "on" it, love that...and let us know how we can help with specifics!
New Hanover
1) Create a group within oer for NHCS teachers
2) Hand select teachers who have awesome lesson plans to share
3) Have ITF's post lesson plans on various PD and lessons where we've collaberated with teachers
Yes, contributing already...and remember the Friday Institute rubric for practice in evaluating digital resources.
Arapahoe Charter School
We intend to hold small informational sessions with our school leadership to get them familiar with the platform. We will expand from there to engage teacher leaders in the process who can take the knowledge of the platform back to their PLCs. As the school as a whole gets comfortable with GoOpen we want to have PD on creative commons and copyrights. Then, we will begin to have teachers post to the platform, collaborate on the platform, and evaluate materials.
Yes, I love tapping in to the teacher leaders on PLCs... and some of your go-getters who may not be in that role but would pick up the ball and run with it, too!
Yes, feedback from these teams is vital to the needs in your district...and think about sharing this as a space for other professional learning you can build on to, not necessarily as one more thing.
Montgomery County Schools
1. Based upon end-of-year data, will identify one curriculum area at Troy Elementary School, West Middle School, and East Montgomery High School to pilot OER platform.
2. Team will introduce OER platform at Leadership Academy in August.
3. IFs and DLCs will create district-level PD.