I love that you already have some mechanisms in place that this can just build on. Buy-in from the top is important for support...and, your BL cohorts will grow this organically regardless.
What are the 1-3 next steps that your district/school is planning to take to engage with #GoOpenNC?
WCS will ask for 1-2 teachers per school to become a part of the pilot group for GoOpenNC. These teachers will use GoOpenNC to compose/add links to the content to place on a DRAFT of their first semester pacing guides and will be open to remxing, composing and publishing content to add to the platform.
WCS will ask those 1-2 teachers per school to introduce this platform to entry level or lateral entry teachers assisting them with content.
Integrate training for GoOpenNC into our Blended Learning cohorts.
Train our Model Teachers so they can begin creating/uploading resources and advocating at their schools.
Involve and inform other areas of district leadership (C&I, Asst. SIs, etc.) so a consistent message is being relayed from "people at the top."
I love that you emphasied advocating. The more buy in that happens, the better this platform can be!
I love that you already have some mechanisms in place that this can just build on. Buy-in from the top is important for support...and, your BL cohorts will grow this organically regardless.
What Is your district/school name?
Whiteville City Schools
What are the 1-3 next steps that your district/school is planning to take to engage with #GoOpenNC?
WCS will ask for 1-2 teachers per school to become a part of the pilot group for GoOpenNC. These teachers will use GoOpenNC to compose/add links to the content to place on a DRAFT of their first semester pacing guides and will be open to remxing, composing and publishing content to add to the platform.
WCS will ask those 1-2 teachers per school to introduce this platform to entry level or lateral entry teachers assisting them with content.
Yes, identifying those pilot educators to begin this journey with you...and inviting your new leadership in (once he/she is in place) to this journey!
Yes, please. Your specialized knowledge is key and needs to be shared...and you are already a trusted resource for your educators.