3: Entire School

by Gillian Moore 4 years, 6 months ago

Using the strengths, what can they offer to #GoOpenNC?

Thinking about Possible Needs, What can they take from #GoOpenNC?

Tericia Eller 4 years, 6 months ago

Strengths: multiple teachers bring different background experiences; already recognize there is a need; they know they need additional PD; already created lessons that align using knowledge from PD.

Offer to GoOpen: lessons already created using knowledge from PD; feedback to others on resources

Possible Needs: collaboration outside of school; additional PD; expert advice, counseling, and/or coaching; SEL strategies; IST referral or mentoring if needed; 

Take from GoOpen: Search for SEL resources; creating discussions via the discussion feature; resources aligned to ACEs 

Gillian Moore 4 years, 6 months ago

I love the idea of using the Professional Development aspect.  What is better than finding a need and addressing it almost instantly?

Rebecca Welch 4 years, 6 months ago

Great ideas! SEL resonates with me - we know there is a need but teachers are unsure how to reach this need.  GoOpenNC offers a place for teachers to share their successes and resources.

ANDREA FULGHUM 4 years, 6 months ago

Aligns well with MTSS strategies, so it's a good way to utilize those strategies

TRENA COX 4 years, 6 months ago

What to Offer? Create a Mental Health Group in GoOpenNC to curate resources related to ACEs. The school could upload their versions of the PD provided to their staff already.


Possible Needs? Look in Health Standards -Mental and Emotional Health to find more resources to help the teachers discuss and engage in more resources related to ACEs.

KRISTINE GROVES 4 years, 6 months ago

Strength = PD already completed. The PD materials could be uploaded for other schools or districts to use.

Possible Needs = additional PD, discussions with experts, implications for own students. GoOpen could be used to find materials other teachers have used in their classrooms or PD materials that other schools have used. The teacher could create a discussion board about the topic to share ideas with teachers across the state.

LORI GARDNER 4 years, 6 months ago

They can offer the materials they used for their original PD session.  We said they could upload the MTSS Social/Developmental History Form that others may benefit from to learn more about students and ACEs.

The school could possible take from OER feedback or input from a discussion group or resources from the Health Curriculum using Mental and Emotional Health resources with students and staff.

Emily Waldrop 4 years, 6 months ago


I would say using Past PD & PLC materials to benefit others of similar needs. For example Share info on Mental Health awareness, training materials, books, etc.( that are free and clear to share). Being able to share those as a resource with staff from all over the state help aid us in being able to see what works for others may also work for you and your staff/school.

Possible Needs/Take-aways from #GoOpenNC

Organizing a group of hard to talk about topics that affect students/staff that are of great importance in our schools today. Example- Mental Health Informatation. 

Martha Levey 4 years, 6 months ago

Strengths/Offer - have had some PD/share PD info, start a group

Needs/Take - more support/lesson activities, resources, other groups for support

Barbara Colson 4 years, 6 months ago

Everyone has already posted great ideas.

I would add that something the school could contribute would be to have a discussion board in a social emotional health group where they could share their thoughts and respond to other teachers' questions or needs.

GoOpenNC would be a great resource also for mental health support.  There is a great need in today's classrooms for this!

Our group searched and our members were very surpised to see the amount of resources available for social, emotional and mental health.

ASHLEY KNOWLES 4 years, 6 months ago

Since the school has already done some PD (strength) adding it to #GoOpenNC would benefit other districts with the same issues and would allow them to edit with their own ideas or comments. Also, the school could create a discussion board to gain support from other school districts while supporting them. 

A possible need would be giving teachers support. Teachers are taking this all in and need a place to debrief also.

Supporting or crash course are the take aways from #GoOpenNC that would help teachers with their students social/emotional/mental health.

KRYSTAL SMITH 4 years, 6 months ago

The school has hands on experiences with students with emotional, social, and emotional needs. This will allow the staff to give useful feedback on GoOpenNC and the resources available there. Staff will be able to upload resources, materials, activities, and plans used in their own school to help other schools with the same students needs. The staff is requesting more training and through the resources listed on GoOpen already they may find the platform useful already. (GoOpen Resources: Emotional  Stress & Health Crash Course, Verbal and Emotional Abuse, Mental Health & Social Health resources have already been uploaded to the platform.) The staff at the school will of course need more training as requested along with support from admin, counselors and additional county staff.