4: Cohort of District Specialists

by Gillian Moore 4 years, 6 months ago

Using the strengths, what can they offer to #GoOpenNC?

Thinking about Possible Needs, What can they take from #GoOpenNC?

CRIS HIGGINBOTHAM 4 years, 6 months ago
StrengthsOpportunity to Offer
Lessons developed by educatorsidentify strengths and weaknesses of lessons, rating systems.
Freecreate group so others can see what's happening/share
See the entire lessonAllow for teachers to share and receive without "asking
Discussion board 
Possible NeedsOpportunity to take from
pick activities or lessons by timeBuild lessons to be completed on computer - higher level of SAMR for the 1:1 school
more lessons availableWhat's the incentive= Why? without being mandated
Gillian Moore 4 years, 6 months ago

I see District Specialists as one of the Leaders in a district roll out of OER.  Imagine if all District Specialists encouraged their teachers to use, upload, and rate???

Rebecca Welch 4 years, 6 months ago

I think districts could create groups based on content areas where teachers can share - thats a great opportunity to offer that you identified.  This would help teachers to see what others are doing to achieve success.  Specialists can highlight certain lessons or resources that are recommended from their perspective.

KENDEL COZART 4 years, 6 months ago

I see a state wide TF group that we could all share our PD resources on state - wide programs. 

JAMES SHERRILL 4 years, 6 months ago

The ability to track who is using the platform and how, is really helpful for ITFs. It allows for ITFs to be able to see who might be struggling with the platform and be able to follow up with those teachers. 

Sue Tobin 4 years, 6 months ago

Our group discussed the importance of having a state-wide platform for ITF's to communicate and collaborate and share resources so that we don't waste time recreating resources that have already been created elsewhere.

HEATHER JOHNSON-MILLS 4 years, 6 months ago

Strength: Ability to sort throught vast amounts of information and get it to the user as needed.  Opportunity to Offer: Create groups specific to our district and the needs of the subject areas.


Need: Time sensitivty and buy-in for teachers        Opporotunity to take from: Standards related content

Libby Moretz 4 years, 6 months ago
StrengthsOpportunity to offer OER
Many district specialists are already sharing resources onlineSpecialists can extend their reach by sharing to build OER. 
Many districts are building their own repository of resources in Google Drive, but things are not easily searchable. By using OER, you can tag standards/subject area and filter to find the content you are looking for. 
As professionals we love to share an learn from others. OER will help us to consider new strategies and approaches for instruction. We should be working smarter instead of HARDER!


NATALIE SHEARIN 4 years, 6 months ago

A great way for ITF's to share resources in one district to other districts. 

Martha Levey 4 years, 6 months ago

I agree. ITF's can also encourage sharing within their districts. Even though the defined role of ITF's differ between and within counties, a gathering "place" for them and resources would ultimately better serve students.

KEVIN ROBERTS 4 years, 6 months ago

Since the ITFs are looking for a way to get more information on what teachers are using, #GoOpenNC's ability to track what teacher use, rate, like, submit ,etc. will be beneficial to use.

LISA CREEL 4 years, 6 months ago

Oppurtunity to offer--put google drive resources into GoOpenNC, ITF remix with technology

Oppurtunity to Take from- feedback and quality, beginning teacher resouces

KELLY CREED 4 years, 6 months ago

The ITFs could offer the platform a support piece within the lessons that are already there.  They could review lessons that could benefit from more technology and remix the lessons to have this component added in. Also, since they already have resources they have created in Google, they could move those over to the platform for their teachers and others to access.

The ITS could create a group for their teachers so they could see the type of resources they are using.  Based upon this data, they could differentiate their trainings to better meet teacher needs. Also, since there are varying degrees of comfort with technology, they could also create PDs that supported teachers just learning how to use find and use the resources, while other teachers learned how to remix the lessons for differentiation.