5: Entire district with no guided/scripted curricula

by Gillian Moore 4 years, 6 months ago

Using the strengths, what can they offer to #GoOpenNC?

Thinking about Possible Needs, What can they take from #GoOpenNC?

JULIE BOWMAN 4 years, 6 months ago
Strengths:Opportunities to Offer to  #GoOpenNC
This gets the teachers started with an assessment that should be aligned to the standards that provides them the opportunites to make changes as they are the experts in their contentAfter changes have been made these would be great resources to offer to #GoOpenNC



Possible Needs:Opportunity to Take From #GoOpenNC
Could be a struggle because the support staff are trying to create assessments for 13 grade levels.  There is not enough time and expertise (3 people) to create assessments that are truly aligned to the standards.Could find assessments to get started. 

This would be a continous cycle; taking from #GoOpenNC, remixing and uploading to #GoOpenNC.

Gillian Moore 4 years, 6 months ago

A district without guided/scripted curricula could grately benefit from #GoOpenNC especially because of the alignment to standards and the amount of resources that could be available on the platform.

KERRY MEBANE 4 years, 6 months ago

I agree and this could help to ensure continuity across a district with many schools.

Rebecca Welch 4 years, 6 months ago

Your point about this being a continuous cycle is a good thing.  Resources can be remixed according to how successful it was in the classroom, continually adding scaffolds for different groups of students.  You can't do this with print materials.  Over time, curating resources will be less time consuming.

AMANDA DIGANGI 4 years, 6 months ago
Strenghs:Opportunity to Offer to #GoOpenNC:

-Teachers get to teach how they want to teach

-Fosters student independence

-Teachers are able to meet the kids where they are

-accessible to all teachers

-one place to search

-alligned to standards

Possible Needs:Opportunity to TAKE FROM #GoOpenNC:

-Lack of resources to use

-Takes too much time to find resources

-Help promote change to new/veteran teachers

-You can take and remix what you want/need

-Use of shared language/vocabulary


Natalie Mercer 4 years, 6 months ago
Strengths:Opportunities to Offer to #GoOpenNC
Teachers in this scenario will already have lots of resources that they have found and vetted OR created themselves.Many resources could be reviewed and added to the community.


Donna Currie 4 years, 6 months ago


There are multiple sample assessments. Start with the end in mind and then edit or rearrange to check for student mastery


This would be a good place to organize and start a collections of resources



Cara Patterson 4 years, 6 months ago

Strengths - Teachers have vetted the resources.

StrengthsOpportunity to offer to # Go Open NC
Teachers have vetted the resourcesthey can share, rate, review. 
Have support instructional staff create groups


FRITZ ROBINETT 4 years, 6 months ago
StrengthsOpportunity to Offer to #GoOpenNC
Currictulum specialists design inquiry STEM tasks around one science domain Teachers are asked to remix the task to meet the need of their grade level.  For example - a marshmallow tower as the task may be remixed for middle school by adding cost constraints and customer requirements, whlie a K-5 remix might not have this level of constraint.


Lesli Darden 4 years, 6 months ago
StrengthsOpportunity to Offer to #GoOpenNC
Teacher have been creating/curating resources for their curriculum.These resources could be openly licensed and added to the platform. 
Assessements have been created by support staffThe assessments could up added to #GoOpenNC and then easily shared with teachers so they could reuse and remix them for their students. 


BRIANNA CHASE 4 years, 6 months ago


1. Ability to spend more/less time on standards per students needs

2. Easier to differentiate for students needs


1. No uniform or continuity across grade levels or schools in same district

2. New teachers struggle to find materials for NC standards of high quality content

3. If only teacher teaching this subject/grade there is no one to collaborate with.


GoOpenNC could help provide the new teachers with high quality NC standards materials.  Teachers across grade levels and districts can work together to provide more continuity.  This will also give teachers who have no one to collaborate within their school with others across the state teaching the same standards.

Martha Levey 4 years, 6 months ago

This platform easily helps with collaboration for teachers who don't have a support group within their school or district. Joining groups, or starting a group!