Content Focus Group - Webinar 1 Question Two
by Joanna Schimizzi 3 years, 10 months ago(This discussion post is for our "Content Focus Groups" that are participating in a two-webinar series. Other members are welcome to participate as well!)
What was your previous experience with copyright and intellectual property prior to the webinar? How did you previously allow use of your intellectual property? How has your thought process changed?
Prior to the webinar I have not really had any previous experience with copyright and intellectual property. As teachers, administration and district level personnel share with us the importance of copyright issues, but after today it means more to me and I understand it better.
In the past I have just created a resource and just let anyone else use it with anything attached. I am ashamed to say that after all these years and the resources I have created and given away.
My thought process is changed and I am excited about learning more about the Creative Commons and how to copyright my own work to be used by others.
Hi Jennifer -- Thanks for sharing about your journey to learn about intellectual property. I felt the same way about all of the things that I shared that I never even put my name on. I think it's great that so many of us will be sharing using the Creative Commons license so that we can all start giving attribution and sharing ethically. I'm excited to see the resource that you share.
Prior to this webinar I had had some exposure to this through We had a very brief training when our district first went 1-to-1. To tell the truth, it wasn't something that "sunk in" for many, including myself. The common belief is that "If it's out there and I can access it- then it's up for grabs".
I do understand the need for it. Its often hard to identify/navigate through the internet wasteland :)
Alicia -- Great description of how many of us educators have been exposed to resource finding. It will be great to have educators like you sharing on GoOpenNC and coming to find and reference materials. We're excited to see your resources populate!
Prior to the webinar, I have not had much experience with copyright and intellectual property. I have created many, many resources over the years and shared with other teachers. I am interersted in learning more about how I can use copyright for my resources.
Anna --
Great points about how many of us create, create, create and then share, but we never really know where they go or how they are used! Have you chosen a Creative Commons license that you're going to use?
Prior to webinar one, I had not really considered copyright and intellectual property issues within my teaching content resources. I have used resources I've made, I've gotten from PLC members (within my school and county), from math coaches, from TPT, etc. and have just adapted them to how I've needed.
I've never really considered the copyright laws since I haven't published my own work before! I've always shared resources I've made with the expectation that they're welcome to tweak to fit their students' needs.
My thought process has changed a lot about this. I don't mind others altering my materials, but I would appreciate being acknowledged for my work. I also like the option to keep other professionals from selling materials adjusted from my original material.