April 8th - Webinar #2 Discussion Board

by Joanna Schimizzi 4 years ago

Hello to our Remote Learning Educator colleagues!


Please share two things in your reply! (Please be sure to have your reply be to THIS original post to reduce email notifications.)


1) Share any details about your school's/district's Remote Learning Landscape.

2) Share one opportunity that you’ve created this week in the midst of difficulty. (You could share a new digital tool you've started learning or a different way to communicate with families or...)

Kelly O'Hara 4 years ago

We are starting next week for High School.  Our teaching will be two hours a day with two hours of office hours


I created many Meets videos to post in my google classroom.  Even though it is two hours a day, I did give them material to learn the lessons through guided instruction provided they watch the videos. 

Keith Knight 4 years ago

SWA has been using virtual learning for two weeks.  Originally classes were set up to mimic a normal school day, but this was very overwhelming for students.  Therefore, we have decided to limit classes to two days a week plus office hours to provide live support.  

KELLY HOGGARD 4 years ago

My district is requiring 4 hours of instruction daily & at least 2 hours of office hours.


I have started using Edpuzzle for the 1st time.

ASHLEY CARVER 4 years ago

We just started this week with remote (online) learning for students.  Our county was recently featured on the news due to a number of community partners joining with the school system to provide a place where students could connect to internet access - drive up access from car.  

This week, I have completed a number of google meets with students.  Teachers are recording assignments daily and uploading the videos, as well as the assignments into Google classroom or Canvas.  We are also doing 2 hours a day of office hours to answer any questions/concerns of students. 

Pam Batchelor 4 years ago

That is awesome that your district is getting community support to help resolve the equity issue for access to internet!

We had a week of annual leave days at the end of March to prepare and began distance learning officially last week.  We have had great support from the administrators and county facilitators.  I teach at the high school level, and the majority of the teachers at my school were already doing hybrid classes with Canvas or Google Classroom.  I hold scheduled online classes via Google Meets on Tuesday and Thursday and do individual meetings with students as needed.  We are making contacts daily to check on students and reach out to parents if students aren't participating in the online classes.

I haven't created anything new this week, but I am getting better at embracing this new reality and becoming more proficient at reaching out to my students in a variety of ways using technology.

HARRY FIELD 4 years ago

My High School is encouraging us to use Google Classroom...most of my Fire Academy work is either heavily copyrighted or required to be face to face delivery which makes it doubly difficult

GAIL BROWNING 4 years ago

We use Canvas.

I created an injury shart for the elbow for my athletic training class. 

My school district is mixed such that half the students have access and the other half do not.

I have simulated my teaching in class in a similar fashion.  I have also introduced live polling.


1) We moved our Spring Break to last week to give us time to take a deep breath, regroup and start again this Monday.  Now we are verifying website accuracy, and that teachers have a LMS.

This is week #3 for our kids, and #4 for teachers. 

I've been making video presentations for all of my Social Studies classes.

1.  My school does not allow student access to technology (corrections setting). 

2.  I have created a Canvas page for my school staff and teachers to use to communicate during our teleworking.  I have created discussion boards, links to webinars and GoOpenNC, and a variety of materials with which to make student packets.


We are using Canvas. Last week was review and new content started this week. We have to upload a prerecorded video of content (20 min) and give an assignment <40 min so only 1 hr totally 3x/week.

I set up a Microsoft team for each class and created a meeting but the morning of my meeting, the district put a hold on Microsoft meetings for now.

TRACY DANIELS 4 years ago

My school district has been remote learning since Mar. 23.  It has been very exhausting.  The first week was review material.  The next week was new material. My high school has a time structure for students to be able to join google hangouts.  

I have learned how to use google hangouts in a pretty effective way to teach the new material.  Before the school closure, I was video streaming my lesson to another math 2 class that did not have a teacher and saving the lesson to Canvas for the students.

KELLY HIGGINS 4 years ago

I find it interesting that different platforms are used and allowed in different districts.  We are NOT allowed to use hangouts.  

TRACY DANIELS 4 years ago

It is a way to do a virtual meeting using google.  It is really neat.  I can share my computer screen with the students when I want to show them something using DESMOS.  It provides us and them that interaction we need that cannot be done through emails.

TRACY DANIELS 4 years ago

Some are also using Zoom in our district to hold virtual meetings.  One middle school at one time did not allow the use of it but since we have to do remote learning, it has since changed.

We have "office hours" from 8-11, planning 11-12:30, and "office hours" from 12:30-4. Students were issued a school chromebook if they needed a device and a flash drive with PDFs of materials if they will be working offline. Teachers uploaded work to folders in the Drive, admin downloaded materials to the flashdrive for families to pick up, and will exchange it for a new flashdrive with new work. 


I'm doing announcements on Canvas, emails, Google Hangouts/Zoom sessions, Kahoot Live and trying to keep students engaged through relevant material, virtual labs, and safe labs to do at home. 

At the high school I teach at we are one to one and we use Canvas. I have connected with students despite hard times.

Justin Roxo 4 years ago

1.) All of my class has been program specific (I teach Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Indesign).  You need a Windows or Mac computer to install.  So, the chromebooks that the schools are handing out don't work for my class.

2.) I've been trying to get my students to download the program at home.  But I've been trying to think about what soft skills I teach that aren't necessarily program specific (such as the design principles).  With that in mind, students can download Adobe Mobile apps such as "Adobe Comp" [as a substitute for Adobe Indesign] or www.lucidpress.com as a secondary option

Andrea Johnson 4 years ago

My district is using Canvas. I've not created any new material this week, but am becoming more proficient in Canvas navigation and various remote learning resources.

WESLEY ROUTH 4 years ago

Remote Learning is definitely an opportunity to grow and reach out.

I've introduced all of my students to the Remind app as they tackle their coursework on Canvas.

KELLY HIGGINS 4 years ago

1) Share any details about your school's/district's Remote Learning Landscape.  

We are using Canvas.  Our kids have OPTIONAL 90 minutes of work each week.  We have thus far only been allowed to do review.  No new material can be done until April 20, but it still will not be graded and/or required.  

2) Share one opportunity that you’ve created this week in the midst of difficulty. (You could share a new digital tool you've started learning or a different way to communicate with families or...)

I have been working on learning screencastify to record lessons for my students.  I have also held several conferences with my classes via the Big Blue Button in Canvas.  

LISA ROSE 4 years ago

1) We are asked to give 30 minutes of instruction per day per class (block schedule- our kids have 4 classes), and offer office hours at least twice per week. 

2) Sharing check-ins via google forms has allowed some of my students to open up to me in a way I don't think they would have done face to face! I've also learned about several digital tools like flipgrid and pdfcandy that I've had time to explore, that I wouldn't have had time to do otherwise.


Union county is using Canvas as our source to push out information to our students.  As of now nothing is having to be submitted by students for a grade.  I learned how to post assignments and announcements in Canvas as well as use a document camera and Google Meet to tutor students.  I also posted some videos for my students to watch.

Monica Szpak 4 years ago

We have been working on line for 4 weeks already! I learnt to use Google classroom and Zoom from one day to the other. I´m learning how to use Canvas now. I´ve used zoom with my groups and also with individual students who could not move forward with the assignments on their own. Google docs also helped, working on it sunchronously.

JULIE TREECE 4 years ago

My county is doing asynchronous digital instruction.  I have been using Screencastify to record materials and my corresponding instructions for the materials.  I am using Google classroom; my county is using either Canvas or Google classroom in addition to paper copies of material.  A fellow instructor posted a 'wellness' assignment yesterday using Padlet.  It seemed to engage the students and got a very good response.  I am planning to use that in the future for some assignments.

Our district has been in "review/ remediate/ makeup" since leaving the buildings on March 13.  Beginning next April 13 we begin teaching new materials.  The district is slowly getting laptops and hotspots out to those indicated need on the tech surveys sent to students (and followed up on with numerous phone calls). My school has not received theirs to distribute yet so it may be a little messy next week.  Teachers are to record instruction so that students are not required to attend during the scheduled "class time" in case of conflicts with other siblings, parents teleworking, etc.  Class meetings and office hours will be done using Google Meets - no Zoom.  Each teacher is required to have an hour of office hours in the afternoon.  

As a PLT leader, I have worked to get my team up to speed on Google Classrooms (which I have been using).  I have learned to use screencastify.  The biggest thing I am adding  - I am a reading teacher in a very "prescribed" program - that can now not be delivered in this format.  I am creating dynamic choice boards that cover the main areas of the program, but give students choices of which assignment to pick.  I created it in a BINGO style because I had 5 areas and they get to pick 2 from each column for the week.  

LESLIE BARGER 4 years ago

We are working 7 1/2 hours per day remotely teaching our students according to our normal class schedule. 

I am learning how to conduct Zoom meetings with my students to answer questions and go over assignments. I have also recorded lecture and lab demos to post for students to watch when they can. I use Moodle to post assignments and resources, however, Zoom recordings are too large so I post them on our local school website.

Marsha Covert 4 years ago

I feel overwhelmed by the amount of support provided by my district.  There are so many online / digital resources.  The students and I have to learn how to navigate the software *more* than we're learning or presenting our actual content.  Even though we get detailed information in daily messages, it still seems like there is no consistency across the county /schools /grade levels.  I am thankful that our PLTs (professional learning teams such as all the 10th grade English teachers) came together to design a unit that we will all implement, and we are being cautious by keeping it simple instead of introducing students to many new platforms.  I had a website, but now I'm more or less forced into translating all into a Google Classroom.  We use GMeets and we aren't allowed to use Zoom.  I am not comfortable on camera in general and even less so if parents are listening or watching in the background, especially if they have the video feature off so I can't see it.  It seems like teachers are more exposed and vulnerable than ever.

We teach 2 classes daily for an hour each and then we have office hours.  I have reached out to many honors students who definitely have technology access but they have deliberately not responded to "play the system."  The whole ordeal is a social experiment that will reveal outcomes that will influence future expectations of education.


Randolph County is using Canvas as the online platform and email to communicate with students. Some schools are using class Dojo, Talking Points or google Voice to communicate with parents. 

Student work was also mailed to ensure that everybody can access assigned work.

I personally enjoyed my first ZOOM sessions and I have also created my first Screencastify video which I have NOT published YET :)


Melinda Mouzzon 4 years ago

We started remote learning today using an every other day online meeting room format:  1/2 on M/W & 3/4 on T/H leaving Friday as an assessment/Q/A option.  The pear deck lesson I created for reviewing Riemann sums & In/Out problems with my Calculus AB course and the one on Points of Concurrency for my H Math III were actually pretty successful.  The interaction was the best part of the session and the technology issues was the worse of course.  Hope everyone remains safe from the storm as well as the coronavirus.  Teaching is to change a life forever and I shall not let me kids down!! We got this!!!