All resources in Science Review and Alignment

Karyotyping Activity

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In this exercise, students complete a simulation of human karyotyping using digital images of chromosomes from actual human genetic studies. They will arrange chromosomes into a completed karyotype, and interpret their findings just as if they were working in a genetic analysis program at a hospital or clinic.

Material Type: Interactive

Author: The Biology Project


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Students explore the geological history of Mercury and the other terrestrial planets, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The development of the lesson revolves around GeoHunter, an interactive for planetary geology. They will also learn about MESSENGER, the spacecraft mission to Mercury.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Author: Science Netlinks

Capturing Renewable Energy

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In this lesson, students work toward understanding the limitations of renewable energy resources if there is no system available for storing the energy. First, students watch a video segment on the engineering design process. Then they are challenged to design a storage system for renewable energy. They brainstorm and research ways in which renewable energies such as solar and wind power can be stored. Then students present their final designs. During this lesson, students should come to understand the steps in the engineering design process and how engineers design systems that convert energy from one form to another and store it for later use.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Coral Age Dating

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In this simulation activity, students take virtual coral samples and use radiometirc dating techniques to calculate the age of the living and dead corals in the sample area. They will then use this information to determine the environmental conditions on the seamount.

Material Type: Interactive

Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures

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In this lesson, students will learn that all matter can be classified as either a pure substance or a mixture. They will also learn that both mixtures and pure substances can be broken down into subcategories and that there are techniques chemists use to determine in which category a sample of matter belongs.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Strange Matter: Zoom!

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This interactive resource "zooms" inside of an aluminum soda can, all the way down to the atomic level. Students are introduced to just how small an atom really is. Associated links provide more information about atoms and how we view things at the microscopic level.

Material Type: Interactive, Lesson

Author: Ontario Science Centre

Ethics, Mice and Toxins

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Students consider the use of mice for bioassays and in establishing the lethal dose when researching/testing toxins. They consider the rights and responsibilities of all those affected by these methods and make a decision as to whether mice should be used in researching and testing for toxins.

Material Type: Lesson Plan