Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning hub


This Hub has been created to provide support to anyone who further their Project Based Learning journey. Whether you are a teacher new to PBL looking for resources to help get you started or are a seasoned veteran wishing to share the cool projects you do with others, this hub will be your go to place. Over the next few months, we hope to leverage the crowdsourced wisdom of this network to curate new resources, as well as vet the quality of existing resources and in so doing, grow the collective capacity of North Carolina educators as they use this proven way to bring relevance and deep knowledge to more schools and more students. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions related to Project Based Learning: 

Ben Owens, GoOpenNC PBL Hub Leader:

Note that questions related to the GoOpenNC platform should be addressed via the "Support" button to the right. Thank you!
