Lesson P

George's Strategy


Name of Task: 

(with link to the task)

George’s Division Strategy


What skills does student need in order to complete this task?

Students need the foundation of place value and using the division algorithm. 

What are the O.M.Gs?



Gaps in student learning?


-Analyzing student work

-Seeing division horizontal instead of vertical

-Place value


-Strategy is correct

-Value of the place value is not important

Gaps in student learning:

-The value of a number changes place upon where it is located

-Understanding what to do when you have a remainder

Vertical Alignment:

What skills do students already know?

What skills do they need to know for the next grade?

4th grade: Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to three-digit dividends and one-digit divisors with place value understanding using rectangular arrays, area models, repeated subtraction, partial quotients, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. (NC.4.NBT.6)

NC.5.NBT.6 Find quotients with remainders when dividing whole numbers with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors using rectangular arrays, area models, repeated

subtraction, partial quotients, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division.

Use models to make connections and develop the algorithm.

North Carolina 6th grade: Fluently divides using long division with a minimum of a four-digit dividend and interprets the quotient and remainder in context. (NC.6.NS.2)


What vocabulary do students need to know in order to be able to complete this task?

Is there any pre-teaching that needs to be taught?

No vocabulary will be taught to this task

Possible vocabulary words that may be helpful for students to solve this task : 



What guiding questions can I help the different abilities in my classroom?

I’m Stuck

Entry: for students having difficulty getting started

- Could you solve George’s problem independently with your own strategy?

- What is the relationship between division and multiply? If you use the opposite operation do you receive 485?

Moving: for places where students could get stuck

(think about your O.M.Gs)

-What is the relationship between the numbers and their values?

I’m Finished

Reflection: for students to use for metacognition (after completing the task)

-Why do you disagree with George’s answer?

-How could you justify your answer using a different strategy that George could use to solve the equation? 

Extension: for students to engage in higher-order thinking skills with respect to the same concept and/or problem

- Why did George’s strategy not work?

- How would the quotient change if the numbers were in a different order?

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