Accommodation key for modified tests

Accommodation Key for Testing Labels
RA ALL= Read Aloud
RA/UR= Read Aloud Upon Request
RA/Self= Read aloud to Self
 CRA=Computer Read Aloud, Student Controlled
MIB= Mark in Book
ET=Extended Time (amount in minutes)
DTS=Dictation to scribe
WW= Word to Word Bilingual Dictionary provided
SEP G=Small Group, Separate Setting for testing
SEP 1/1=One on One, Separate Setting for testing
MTS=Multiple Testing Sessions (breaks amount in minutes or days)
MTS=Multiple Testing Sessions (# of testing days)
 LP=Large Print (One item per page)
 LPE= Large Print Edition (entire test is large print)
 MD= Magnification Devices

Accommodation Key for Testing Labels
RA ALL= Read Aloud
RA/UR= Read Aloud Upon Request
RA/Self= Read aloud to Self
 CRA=Computer Read Aloud, Student Controlled
MIB= Mark in Book
ET=Extended Time (amount in minutes or days)
DTS=Dictation to Scribe
WW= Word to Word Bilingual Dictionary provided
SEP G=Small Group, Separate Setting for testing
SEP 1/1=One on One, Separate Setting for testing.
MTS=Multiple Testing Sessions (breaks amount in minutes)
MTS=Multiple Testing Sessions (# of testing days)
 LP=Large Print (One item per page)
LPE = Large Print Edition (entire test enlarged) 

 Accommodations/Modifications Key for Classroom
 Alt. M=Alternative Materials
 ET=Extended Time for Completion (minutes/days)
 DTS=Dictation to Scribe
 MoD=Modified Assignment (reduced length of assignment,
 number of items adjusted).
 AC= Adapted Curriculum (skill taught for the standard)
 MD= Magnification Device

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