Daily Lesson Plan Template

Daily Lesson Plan Template


Describe the activity including time allotted

Warm Up:

Activity for students to work on at the start of class.


Statement of Expected Outcome or

The Essential Question

What do you want students to know or be able to do by the end of the class?

(Include standards) 


Teacher Input

What will you directly teach or show the students?



Guided Practice

What will the students practice or work on?







What will the students practice at home?

How will you bring closure to the lesson?


See sample lesson plan below

Sample Lesson Plan Template: High School English 9


Describe the activity including time allotted

Warm Up:

Activity for students to work on at the start of class.

Students will view a flipped video and complete practice exercises on the Introduction to Pronouns (15 minutes) 

Statement of Expected Outcome or

The Essential Question

What do you want students to know or be able to do by the end of the class?



Essential Question: What are the steps in the hero’s journey and why are they significant?

Statement of Expected Outcome: Students will read an article, underline main ideas, circle key terms, and write questions in the margins in order to understand the steps in the hero’s journey. 

(Anchor Reading Standard 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.)

Teacher Input

What will you directly teach or show the students?


  1. Distribute hero’s journey article.

  2. Instruct students to read, circle or highlight key vocabulary words, and underline main ideas.

  3. Read the first paragraph as a class to model marking the text and adding a question in the margin.

  4. Instruct students to add  2-3 higher level questions per page in the right margin that are answered in the article on the left.

  5. Instruct students to number the steps in the journey as they read. (20 minutes)

Guided Practice

What will the students practice or work on during class?





Students read the article individually and silently marking the text as they read. Teacher offers help to students as necessary.

Upon completion, students share and compare notes with a partner. 

(30-45 minutes)


What will the students practice at home?

Students will write a summary of the article and answer the essential question. (10 minutes or for homework)

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