Daily Lesson Plan Template
Daily Lesson Plan Template
| Describe the activity including time allotted |
Warm Up: Activity for students to work on at the start of class. |
Statement of Expected Outcome or The Essential Question What do you want students to know or be able to do by the end of the class? (Include standards) |
Teacher Input What will you directly teach or show the students?
Guided Practice What will the students practice or work on?
Homework/Closure What will the students practice at home? How will you bring closure to the lesson? |
See sample lesson plan below
Sample Lesson Plan Template: High School English 9
| Describe the activity including time allotted |
Warm Up: Activity for students to work on at the start of class. | Students will view a flipped video and complete practice exercises on the Introduction to Pronouns (15 minutes) |
Statement of Expected Outcome or The Essential Question What do you want students to know or be able to do by the end of the class?
| Essential Question: What are the steps in the hero’s journey and why are they significant? Statement of Expected Outcome: Students will read an article, underline main ideas, circle key terms, and write questions in the margins in order to understand the steps in the hero’s journey. (Anchor Reading Standard 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.) |
Teacher Input What will you directly teach or show the students?
Guided Practice What will the students practice or work on during class?
| Students read the article individually and silently marking the text as they read. Teacher offers help to students as necessary. Upon completion, students share and compare notes with a partner. (30-45 minutes) |
Homework/Closure What will the students practice at home? | Students will write a summary of the article and answer the essential question. (10 minutes or for homework) |