T4T Classifying Connecting Cubes

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Measurement and Data


Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.


NC.K.MD.3 Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.


Connecting cubes: 6 blue, 8 red, 6 green, 4 yellow


1.      Show the student the collection of cubes.

2.      Say: I have a set of cubes.  Sort these cubes by color.

3.      After the student has sorted the cubes by color, Say:

·         Count the number of cubes in each group

·         How many cubes do you have in each group?

·         Do you have any groups that have the same amount?”


Continuum of Understanding

Not Yet Proficient

●       Is unable to sort the cubes by color

●       Cannot count to determine how  many


●       Can sort the cubes but is unable to provide an accurate count for some groups.

●       Does not notice that two groups have the same amount.

Meets Expectations

●       Sorts the cubes by color consistently.

●       Counts each group correctly.

●       Identifies that the sets of blue and green cubes have the same amount. 

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