T4T Building 3D Shapes

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  1. Activate prior knowledge:

·         Review names and attributes of 2-dimensional shapes using classroom materials (e.g., anchor chart, flash cards, math journals, or video 2D Shapes I Know)

·         Discuss defining attributes of flat shapes such as sides, angles, and vertices/corners. 

·         Say: We have been learning about two-dimensional (flat) shapes.  To review, create a flat shape using materials at your table.  When you finish, describe your shape to your partner.  Have your partner guess its name.  Make sure both of you take a turn.    

·         This time may be used as a quick assessment, ensuring students are creating, identifying and using correct vocabulary describe shapes. 

2.      Launch the task:

·         Say: Look at the flat shape you created.  You know so much about two-dimensional shapes.  Knowing about two-dimensional shapes can be helpful when building three-dimensional shapes. Today, your math task is to make a three-dimensional (solid) shape.  If you would like, you may use the same materials from your two-dimensional shape. 

·         Have students turn and explain the directions to their partners.

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