T4T Partner Quick Flash

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Lesson Excerpt:


  1. Introduce two components of fluency - flexibility and efficiency. (2-3 minutes)

  • Display the Mouse and Cheese Maze.  Discuss: What are some ways the mouse could get to the cheese?  When we know many ways to do something, it means we are flexible.  We are efficient when we choose the way that takes the least amount of steps.  What is the most efficient way for the mouse to get to the cheese?

  • Say: Mathematicians are flexible when they think about different ways to solve a problem.  They are efficient when they choose the way that takes the least number of steps.  Today, let’s work to be flexible and efficient.

  • Do a whole-group quick flash (3-5 minutes)

    • Display a Quick Flash Card under the document camera for 3-4 seconds. 

    • Say: Put your thumb to your chest when you know how many dots are on the card.

    • Ask: How many dots are on this card?  How did you find “how many”?  Are there different ways to find the amount?

    • Share one or more strategies students may not have mentioned.

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