T4T Ducks on the Pond

Lesson Excerpt:


1.                  Ducks on the Pond (3-5 minutes)  

            During whole group time, show Picture Card K to the entire class and model the activity.


The teacher asks students, “What do you see on the card?”

Possible responses: I see ducks. I see water.


The teacher says:

Let’s see if I can come up with a story problem for this picture for you to solve. There are 2 dark ducks and 1 white duck. How many ducks are on the water?

As students give their solutions, it is acceptable to allow many students to share their solution, even if they all say “3.”

The teacher may ask: How many ducks are in the water? Does anyone have a different solution?


Regardless of the solution, the teacher should not lead students to think whether their solution is correct or incorrect.


The teacher then asks students: How can we find out how many ducks are in the water?

Possible responses:

We can count the number of ducks. 
I know that 1 more than 2 is 3.

I know that 2 and 1 is 3.
I counted them all: 1, 2, 3. 

Download: oa1-ducks-on-the-pond_uph0om1.docx

Download: oa1-ducks-on-the-pond_uph0om1.docx

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