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  • NC.ELA.RF.K.3.b - Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words.
  • NC.ELA.RF.K.3.b - Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words.
What's in a Name? Teaching Concepts of Letter and Word
Read the Fine Print
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In this lesson, the teacher reveals the first letter of the name, having students whose name start with that letter stand. More letters are revealed and students sit down as their name is ruled out. Once the helper is selected, students read the helper's name, count the letters in the name, clap the syllables, spell the name aloud, add the name to the word wall, and make observations about it. Using magnetic letters, students can create words that rhyme with the helper's name. Many additional ideas for playing with the letters of students' names are also presented here.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Devon Hamner
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Whole-to-Parts Phonics Instruction: Teaching Letter-Sound Correspondences
Read the Fine Print
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In this lesson, letter-sound correspondences are taught within a meaningful context in an explicit, systematic, and extensive manner. This lesson uses onset-rime analogy to present word families and spelling patterns. An onset is the consonant letter before the vowel in a given word or syllable, and a rime is the vowel and consonants that follow the vowel in a given word or syllable. Thus, in the word bill, the onset is the letter b and the rime is the letters ill. Furthermore, this lesson supports cooperative and integrative learning where students and teacher learn together and carry out tasks collaboratively.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Jean Buenaventura-Borlagdan
Date Added:
Word Recognition Strategies Using Nursery Rhymes
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

In this lesson, students learn to identify written words with similar endings by singing and reciting nursery rhymes. Students begin by reciting Humpty Dumpty, identifying two words with similar ending sounds, and creating their own lists of words with the same ending sound. Students repeat this procedure with words from Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater and Jack and Jill. Finally, students access a website to identify the word families featured in other nursery rhymes and then create an illustration and text based on their favorite nursery rhyme.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Jennifer Prior, Ph.D.
Date Added:
Word Sorts for Beginning and Struggling Readers
Read the Fine Print
0.0 stars

This lesson provides a framework for introducing students to short-vowel word families. Focusing first on the a family, students work together and individually to learn the word families –at, –an, –ap, and –ack. Teacher modeling is used to introduce the word sort, inviting students to compare, contrast, and reflect on these four word families. Students then work with a partner to practice sorting and reading words with increased speed and accuracy. As their skills and confidence improve, students are asked to sort, read, and write words individually. These lessons can also be adapted to teach other short-vowel word families.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
International Reading Association/National Council of Teachers of English/ReadWriteThink
Nancy mills
Date Added: