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  • NC.EX.ELA.L.8.6 - Acquire and use general academic and domain-specific words and phrases...
  • NC.EX.ELA.L.8.6 - Acquire and use general academic and domain-specific words and phrases...
Personalized Learning Sight Words
Unrestricted Use
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Use this progress monitoring tool to help students build and track their sight word knowledge.  Seven different lists of words are provided for the students to master.  You can color code your list if you choose.  Students will be preassessed on the knowledge of 10 sight sords. You will record answers on the Sight Word Checklist and then hole punch the students sight word ring for the words they know.  Students will then work on the words they still need to master for the week.  Students will be checked at the end of the week for growth.  As the list of words are mastered, a new list of words can be added to the each studnet's sIght word ring.  

Reading Foundation Skills
Material Type:
Formative Assessment
George (Tommy) Jones
Date Added: