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  • NCES.CE.C&G.4 - Understand how democracy depends upon the active participation of citi...
  • NCES.CE.C&G.4 - Understand how democracy depends upon the active participation of citi...
Civic Life
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Using an inquiry based approach, Michigan high school students will learn about the foundations of American government by studying the Constitution and exploring how it works today.

Civics and Economics
Social Studies
Material Type:
Provider Set:
Michigan Open Book Project
Baker, Hillary
Balzar, Travis
Conway, Annemarie
Dutcher, Kelly
Hintz, Katie
Wregglesworth, Kymberli
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GEDB Causes of Revolution: Comparative Government and National Revolutions (Lesson 5 of 5)
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The purpose of this lesson is to help students research and investigate the world by looking at revolutions around the world and governments created as a result. In this 2 day lesson, students will look at revolutions in other parts of the world and compare and contrast them to the American Revolution. Students will examine causes of the French Revolution and will compare the types of governments that were overthrown and the new governments that were created to replace the old. Students will compare and contrast the Declaration of Independence (U.S.) and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen (France). Students will also create presentations depicting other revolutions around the world and how similar/different they are to the American Revolution and the French Revolution. This lesson was developed by Dorothy Kerby as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
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GEDB Causes of Revolution: The Articles of Confederation (Lesson 3 of 5)
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The purpose of this lesson is to help students gain a deeper understanding of how the United States government was formed, and the people/ideas that influenced the founding documents of the nation. In this lesson, students will evaluate the importance of the Articles of Confederation and identify the weaknesses that caused the delegates at the Constitutional Convention to create a new governing document. Students will be recognizing perspectives and communicating ideas about the Articles of Confederation. This lesson will consist of teacher facilitated notes and discussion opportunities that will prompt group and classroom conversation. This lesson was developed by Dorothy Kerby as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
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GEDB Causes of Revolution: The Constitution of the United States of America (Lesson 4 of 5)
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The purpose of this lesson is to help students gain a deeper understanding of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights which contains their rights as citizens or future citizens of the United States of America. In this multi-day lesson, students will analyze the U.S. Constitution and discuss the many compromises that took place at the Constitutional Convention. They will inspect the 27 amendments to the U.S. Constitution and choose one that they feel is most important and defend their choice in a written response. Students will be recognizing perspectives, communicating ideas, and taking action by analyzing the U.S. Constitution and choosing an amendment that is most important to them and writing a letter to a future generation of adolescents to explain and defend their chosen amendment. This lesson was developed by Dorothy Kerby as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
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GEDB Causes of Revolution: The Declaration of Independence (Lesson 2 of 5)
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The purpose of this lesson is to help students gain a deeper understanding of the Declaration of Independence and perspectives of the founding fathers as they constructed this document . In this lesson, students will read and analyze the Declaration of Independence, while evaluating the impact it had on the American Revolution. To guide students in their analysis, each group will be assigned a specific task while analyzing the Declaration of Independence. Students will be recoznizing perspectives as they read and analyze the ideas put forth in the Declaration of Independence and other contributing theories that impacted the document. Students wil also be communicating ideas as they work in groups to discuss the components of the Declaration of Independence. This lesson was developed by Dorothy Kerby as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
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GEDB The United States and South Africa: A Comparison (Lesson 5 of 5)
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This two-day lesson centers around a project that is designed to help students demonstrate knowledge of the key concepts and issues that they learned in this unit of study. They will be comparing and contrasting laws passed in the United States and South Africa regarding segregation and apartheid, respectively.This lesson was developed by Carolin Bethea-Brown as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB The United States and South Africa: Apartheid - How Do We Compare? (Lesson 2 of 5)
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The purpose of this lesson is to help students gain a much deeper understanding of apartheid through a teacher facilitated presentation that gives students the opportunity to read, write, hear, and discuss key concepts and issues related to apartheid. In this lesson, students will start to identify important similarities between South Africa and the United States. To assist them in this process, questions are embedded throughout the presentation. In addition, numerous visuals are provided with guided questions that will help students further develop their observation, critical thinking, and discussion skills. I, Caroline Bethea-Brown, am the owner of all the visuals used in this presentation.This lesson was developed by Caroline Bethea-Brown as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB The United States and South Africa: Apartheid (Lesson 1 of 5)
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This lesson is designed to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the strict segregation laws passed by the apartheid government in South Africa. It will help them understand the roots of apartheid, as well as how apartheid laws were passed and enforced. The knowledge they gain will serve as a basis of comparison with the strict segregation laws passed in the United States since the adoption of the 14th Amendment. To gain the knowledge they need to make this comparison, students will conduct an independent inquiry of the permanent exhibition at the Apartheid Museum website using a WebQuest.This lesson was developed by Caroline Bethea-Brown as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB The United States and South Africa: The 14th Amendment Ignored (Lesson 3 of 5)
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In this two-day lesson, students will analyze the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as well as laws passed at the state and federal levels that were used to systematically deny African Americans of their constitutional rights. Throughout the lesson students will draw comparisons between laws made in the United States with laws made by the apartheid government of South Africa.This lesson was developed by Caroline Bethea-Brown as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB The United States and South Africa: The 14th Amendment (Lesson 4 of 5)
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This lesson is to be conducted over a two-day (90 minute block schedule) period. The purpose of this lesson is to help students understand the role the federal government played in overturning laws that systematically undermined the 14th and 15th Amendments. During this process students will gain a better understanding of federalism, checks and balances, and judicial review. In addition, they will have the opportunity to compare and contrast laws passed in the United States with laws passed by the South Africa's apartheid government.This lesson was developed by Caroline Bethea-Brown as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added: