Students will consider the choices artists make when creating works of art …
Students will consider the choices artists make when creating works of art that include people. They will consider style, medium, background, color, technique, and composition; compare images of women as represented by different artists; learn about where artists get their sources and inspiration.
Students will consider the ways that artists respond to political and social …
Students will consider the ways that artists respond to political and social events and ideas; think about sources of inspiration; learn about symbols and think about what they represent.
Students will consider the choices artists make with regard to painting, focusing …
Students will consider the choices artists make with regard to painting, focusing on color, shape, composition, proportion, balance, style, and scale; learn how to discuss and compare nonrepresentational works of art; think about their relationship as a viewer to works of art and will consider how an abstract work can evoke a sense of atmosphere or place.
Students will consider the choices artists make with regard to painting. They …
Students will consider the choices artists make with regard to painting. They will focus on line, material, scale, and the artistic process; learn how to discuss, compare, and think critically about nonrepresentational, or abstract, paintings; think about the use of line in painting.
Students will consider how and why artists use everyday objects as subject …
Students will consider how and why artists use everyday objects as subject matter; consider the choices artists make when creating works of art, exploring subject matter and sources of inspiration, medium, and style; make connections between consumer culture and art; learn about the technique of screen-printing.
Students will examine three images that represent different ways that artists, in …
Students will examine three images that represent different ways that artists, in the years between World War I and World War II, responded to the social and political turmoil around them; discuss these images in terms of subject matter, composition, style, and representation.
Students will discuss the ways paintings and prints created during the interwar …
Students will discuss the ways paintings and prints created during the interwar years reflect changes to the landscape; visually analyze landscape images, using such terms as background, fore-ground, middle ground, medium, and composition; consider the different ways artists responded to the changing landscape.
Students will examine a poster and two paintings and consider how the …
Students will examine a poster and two paintings and consider how the artists who created these objects reflected upon movement through subject matter, form, and technique; consider the varying experiences of viewing a triptych, a painting cycle, and a design object; discuss multi-panel artworks in terms of narrative.
Students will be introduced to works of art that address constructions of …
Students will be introduced to works of art that address constructions of identity in a consumer society; explore the roles memory plays in the creation and evolution of identity.
Students will analyze the symbols used in geographic maps; consider the impact …
Students will analyze the symbols used in geographic maps; consider the impact of cultural, historical, and political contexts on mapping; compare and contrast maps in diverse mediums made by artists from different geographic and cultural backgrounds.
Students will explore the varied meanings of “identity; learn how irony and …
Students will explore the varied meanings of “identity; learn how irony and satire can function in a work of art; discover how maps can be used to chart not only geography but also psycho-logical, emotional, and intellectual states.
Students will be able to write a one-paragraph description of a painting …
Students will be able to write a one-paragraph description of a painting based on their own observations; speculate about what happened before and after a scene depicted in a painting; write narratives using past tense and future tense; and write idioms about characters depicted in a painting.
Students will look at Serra's 'Circuit, 1972' and Brancusi's 'Torso' and compare …
Students will look at Serra's 'Circuit, 1972' and Brancusi's 'Torso' and compare the two works. Students will consider how sculptors articulate a form in space and how the sculptor draws a volume. They will also consider the phrase 'articulation of process' as expressed in much of Serra's early work. Students will reflect on Serra's verb list and experiment by making three different works from three different materials in response to a verb. Students will also create a more advanced sculpture based on Serra's second verb list incorporating suggested action or movement within the work.
Students will look at Brancusi's 'The Kiss' and compare it to other …
Students will look at Brancusi's 'The Kiss' and compare it to other sculptures they have seen. Students will also comment on some of Brancusi's aphorisms about art and the creative process. Students will create an artwork that responds to the artwork of Brancusi or Serra or Rodin. Students will also explore direct carving after the work of Brancusi.
Students will look at Oldenburg's "Late Submission to the Chicago Tribune Architectural …
Students will look at Oldenburg's "Late Submission to the Chicago Tribune Architectural Competition of 1922: Clothespin" and discuss scale, function, and form. Students will consider Oldenburg's reimagining of every day objects into monumental works of art. Students will then create their own "late submissions" for the world's most beautiful office building.
Students will look at Oldenburg's "Mouse Museum, 1977" and discuss the function …
Students will look at Oldenburg's "Mouse Museum, 1977" and discuss the function of museums, the idea of collections, and the meaning of "alter ego". Students will create their own representation of their alter ego. Each student will be provided an object and asked to draw that object and then to draw the object again but transforming it into something else of a vastly different scale. Students will reflect on what they collect and sketch out the design for a museum based on their collection including internal and external views of the buildings.
Students will look at Oldenburg's soft sculpture "Soft Pay-Telephone, 1963" and compare …
Students will look at Oldenburg's soft sculpture "Soft Pay-Telephone, 1963" and compare it to a real telephone. Students will consider materials, scale, and shape. Students will also look for and discuss any anthropomorphic characteristics in Oldenburg's work. Students will comment on an Oldenburg quote about art and humor. Finally, students will use Oldenburg quotes as drawing prompts.
Students will make word associations while looking at an American flag. Students …
Students will make word associations while looking at an American flag. Students will then compare the American Flag with Oldenburg's "The Old Dump Flag, 1960" concentrating on proportions, materials, color, movement, shape, etc. Discussion will proceed to Oldenburg's idea of "grand symbols". Students will then collect recyclable items, flatten them, and sculpt a "grand symbol" of their community by tearing, crumpling, folding and spray painting the work. Students will divide into groups and create a performance piece incorporating all the objects made by group members.
Students will consider the work of Keith Haring in the late 1970s …
Students will consider the work of Keith Haring in the late 1970s and early 1980s as a framework for studying any artist and era. Students research historically and culturally significant events as a potential means to understand artists and their works.
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