Strap on a backpack and swoop in on the Zoo EDventure team! …
Strap on a backpack and swoop in on the Zoo EDventure team! They will take you under their wings and share about our misunderstood feathered friend, the vulture.
We have created some helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Turkey Vultures vs. Black Vultures (2 min): 2.L.2 Baby Behavior and Baby Feathers (3 min): 5.L.1 Why vultures have bald heads (2 min): 8.L.3 Vulture Stomach acid kills bad microbes (3 min):
Conservation Efforts: Vultures in Africa (6 min):
Oryx you glad you tuned in today to Zoo EDventures? Join the …
Oryx you glad you tuned in today to Zoo EDventures? Join the team exploring the Watani Grassland habitat. Kudu be anywhere else? Rhino you’ll like the the ending!
We have created helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: 5.L.2 Fringe-eared Oryx as Alert System (2 min):
Wake up early and start your morning as a real zookeeper! Follow …
Wake up early and start your morning as a real zookeeper! Follow the Zoo EDventures team as they learn how the Grassland crew take care of 77 animals each day, including finding each one!
We have created some helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Horns vs. Antlers (2 min): 2.L.2 Adult and Baby Rhinos (15 min): 3.L.1 Thomson's Gazelle Skull (2.5 min):
Have you herd where the Zoo EDventure team is today? Come earn …
Have you herd where the Zoo EDventure team is today? Come earn your stripes with them!
We have created helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: 3.L.1 Zebra Skull (2 min): 3.L.1 Zebra Foot (30 sec): 4.L.1 Zebra Stripes (3 min):
For the last 4 months the Zoo EDventure team has brought you …
For the last 4 months the Zoo EDventure team has brought you amazing animals each week. But have you ever wondered what it takes to actually be a zookeeper? Join us LIVE to learn, ask questions, and highlight some of these incredible people as we celebrate National Zoo Keeper Week!
Join Leslie as she shows you a quick way to measure biodiversity …
Join Leslie as she shows you a quick way to measure biodiversity in your backyard or any place you choose. Download your own biodiversity datasheet -
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Recording Differences in Plants (1.5 min):
Who doesn't love bubbles? Join Nikki as she teaches about a variety …
Who doesn't love bubbles? Join Nikki as she teaches about a variety of bubbles including how to make your own bubble solution at home.
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: 3.P.2 - Vinegar and Baking Soda Reaction (1 min):
Let’s explore the scientific method and see what scents our bunnies like …
Let’s explore the scientific method and see what scents our bunnies like more!
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: 1.L.1.3 Using the Scientific Method to understand our animals (2 min 15 sec):
Let’s find out how camels can get moisture from the air and …
Let’s find out how camels can get moisture from the air and not lose any when they breathe!
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: 3.P.3 Camel Nasal Passage and Lungs (3 min):
Join Nikki in this week's episode of Zoo Science as she introduces …
Join Nikki in this week's episode of Zoo Science as she introduces you to density. Try the experiment at home with your parent's permission to see the difference of densities in liquids!
We have also created a helpful clip if you cannot watch whole program: 6.P.2 - What is Density? (2 min):
Join Nikki in this week's episode of Zoo Science as she introduces …
Join Nikki in this week's episode of Zoo Science as she introduces you to density. Try the experiment at home with your parent's permission to see test different densities!
What do animals do all day? One way scientists study animal behavior …
What do animals do all day? One way scientists study animal behavior is by using ethograms. Join Leslie as she explains what an ethogram is and how you can try this at home with your pet, local wildlife, or your family. Download your own ethogram to use -
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: 1.L.1 Why animal observation is important (3 min):
Let’s discover how we can have fun with polymers and where they …
Let’s discover how we can have fun with polymers and where they can be found both at home and here at the Zoo!
We have created some helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: K.P.2 How Polymers Change (1 min): K.P.2 How Polymers are Used (4 min):
Join Cynthia as she explains how colors can effect heat absorption and …
Join Cynthia as she explains how colors can effect heat absorption and reflection for animals, us, and the planet. Then take it a step further with this at home science experiment.
We have created helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: 4.L.1 Polar Bear Skin and Fur (1 min 50 sec): 6.P.3 Dark colors absorb heat, light colors reflect heat (1.5 min):
Let’s see how plants use capillary action to transport nutrients and water …
Let’s see how plants use capillary action to transport nutrients and water through their stems.
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: 3.L.2 How plants use capillary action (1 min):
We all know dogs are man’s best friend. But who is your …
We all know dogs are man’s best friend. But who is your dog’s best friend? Join us in a new Zoo Science series: Pet Detectives to learn more about your dog’s preferences and how they think from the zoo’s biologists. Each episode we’ll provide a fun and simple experiment that you can try at home with your own dog. Use your dog’s sense of smell to test his/her preferences amongst your family members.
We have created some helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: 1.L.1 Understanding Animal Behavior (30 sec): 4.L.1 Sense of Smell (1 min 20 sec):
Your dog might see more than you think! Join us for the …
Your dog might see more than you think! Join us for the third episode of Pet Detectives and learn how your dog’s evolutionary history shaped his color vision and how you can test it at home! It’ll be paws-itively fun!
We have created helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Human Vision vs. Dog Vision (1 min): 4.L.1 Colors that dogs can see (25 sec):
How can you enrich your dog’s life? Join us in this episode …
How can you enrich your dog’s life? Join us in this episode of Pet Detective to learn more about some simple enrichment you can use at home and how to evaluate it. Let us know what enrichment your dog likes best.
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: 1.L.1 What is enrichment/why it's important (1 min 14 sec):
How do we keep our animals mentally and physically fit? Join us …
How do we keep our animals mentally and physically fit? Join us for this week’s Pet Detectives to learn how to challenge your dog, just like how we do at the Zoo, with a puzzle feeder! Puzzles can be challenging but a lot of fun!
We have created helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Dogs are descendants of wolves (6 sec): 1.L.1 Benefits of foraging (45 sec):
What can your dogs motor coordination tell you about their personality? Join …
What can your dogs motor coordination tell you about their personality? Join us for this week’s Pet Detectives to learn how to identify whether your dog is a righty or lefty and what this might reveal about their daily emotional state!
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Right Paw vs. Left Paw dominance and what that means (30 sec):
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