Your dog might understand more than you think! Join us for this …
Your dog might understand more than you think! Join us for this week’s Pet Detectives to learn how dogs are so in tune with humans that they pay attention to and understand the slightest gestures! Do you get the point?
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Dogs vs. Chimpanzees understanding pointing (54 sec):
Join Donna as she shows how large birds use the warm air …
Join Donna as she shows how large birds use the warm air (thermals) to ride air waves and conserve energy.
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: K.P.1 How large birds use thermals to fly (1 min 20 sec):
Did you hear that? Listen in as we try some experiments with …
Did you hear that? Listen in as we try some experiments with our hearing! Hopefully after these fun experiments in our series Science in the Dark you will have a greater appreciation for the night.
We have created helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: K.P.2 Comparing Sounds (1 minute): 2.P.1 Rotating ears and sound (1.5 min): 4.L.1 Big ears and rotating ears (1+ min):
Afraid of the dark? Hopefully after these fun experiments in our series …
Afraid of the dark? Hopefully after these fun experiments in our series Science in the Dark you will have a greater appreciation for the night. Using our sense of touch, we will get “hands-on” with our first set of experiments!
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: K.P.2 Sense of Touch (15 sec):
Did you see that? Hopefully after these fun experiments in our series …
Did you see that? Hopefully after these fun experiments in our series Science in the Dark you will have a greater appreciation for the night. Now let’s “see” how our eyes are affected by the dark!
We have created helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Owl vs Human Eyesight (1.5 min): 4.L.1 Owl Eyesight (45 sec): 4.L.1 Human Eyesight (45 sec):
Hopefully after these fun experiments in our series Science in the Dark …
Hopefully after these fun experiments in our series Science in the Dark you will have a greater appreciation for the night. Be nosy and find out some fun ways to use our sense of smell!
We have created some helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: K.P.2 Sense of smell with a wet nose (30 sec): 4.L.1 Sense of Smell (35 sec):
Ever wanted to get into birding but don’t know where to start? …
Ever wanted to get into birding but don’t know where to start? Use the scientific method to collect data with these tips to figure out what feathered friends you might see. Audubon Society's Helpful Tips Merlin Bird App
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Identify birds based on differences (2 min 40 sec):
Try out your skills with identifying birds at our feeder as well …
Try out your skills with identifying birds at our feeder as well as where you can practice while helping scientists learn more about birds in the United States and Canada. To learn more about the Great Backyard Bird, going on now, visit
We have created a helpful clip if you are unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Using field marks to ID birds (1 min 15 sec):
Join Nikki as she explores the science behind how amphibians can breathe …
Join Nikki as she explores the science behind how amphibians can breathe and "drink" through their skin. Try her experiment at home to learn more!
We have created helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: K.L.1 Reptile vs. Amphibian Skin (22 sec): 3.L.1 Amphibian Skin (1 min 5 sec):
Come learn about the science behind making your old dull pennies look …
Come learn about the science behind making your old dull pennies look shiny and new again, and vice- versa!
We have created a helpful clip if you're unable to watch the full video: 4.P.2 Deoxidization and reoxidization (1 min 48 sec):
Did you ever wonder what caused that *Zap* when you touch a …
Did you ever wonder what caused that *Zap* when you touch a door knob? Join Nikki as you explore the science (and fun!) behind static electricity! The entire video covers Science Standards 3.P.3 and 6.P.3.
We have created some helpful clips if you are unable to watch the full video: 3.P.3 - Rubbing balloon on hair (3.5 min): 6.P.2 - Explanation of Atoms (3 min):
Join Cynthia as she explores the world of surface tension and how …
Join Cynthia as she explores the world of surface tension and how animals like water striders use it to walk on water!
We have created some helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: 3.P.2 Surface Tension Broken Chemically (1 min 15 sec): 4.L.1 How water striders stay on the water's surface (2 min):
I Scream We All Scream for the Science of Ice Cream. Let’s …
I Scream We All Scream for the Science of Ice Cream. Let’s eat some science!!! Join us as we learn the science behind making ice cream.
We have created some helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: 3.P.2 How Salt Melts (2 min): 3.P.2 How sugar keeps from freezing ice cream solid (42 sec):
Explore how trees help keep our streams clean and protect the Hellbender! …
Explore how trees help keep our streams clean and protect the Hellbender!
We have created helpful clips if you're unable to watch the full video: 1.E.2 Why water is important to Eastern Hellbenders (30 sec): 1.L.1 Why trees and rocks are important to Eastern Hellbenders (1 min 6 sec):
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