All resources in Exceptional Teachers

Shape Match

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This interactive game reinforces students' knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes by having them match objects to shapes or objects to words. Students can play by memory or while seeing the objects. All cards are supported by audio instruction.

Material Type: Lesson

Author: ABCya

Language of Language Arts: We're Going on a Bear Hunt

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This book, presented in video format with accompanying lesson plans and activities, provides ELLs the opportunity to read, write, listen, speak and learn new vocabulary about a variety of language arts, mathematics and science skills including character, setting, plot sequence, patterns and research. (NOTE: You must search far down the page to find the Bear Hunt resources.)

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson, Lesson Plan

Author: Graham Andre

Language of Mathematics: Match Clocks

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This resource supports the English language development of English language learners. This short game gives students an opportunity to practice telling time. Visual cues and spoken as well as written words for the time provide language support for English learners. The game also contains a great chant-style song at the end accompanied by the changing hands of the clock which is useful for helping English language learners remember how to read the clock face.

Material Type: Activity/Lab

Author: Starfall Education

Alpha Pig's Cake

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In this video, students join Super Readers as they help bake a cake by following directions. Students learn that the steps to baking are to get the ingredients, measure and mix, and then bake. With the assistance of Alpha Pig, the Super Readers are able to use their spelling skills to find the ingredients necessary to make the cake. Alpha Pig is able to identify the different ingredients on the shelf by looking for the first letter of the word.

Material Type: Demonstration

Author: PBS Learning Media