Counting Squares
(View Complete Item Description)This challenging problem and brainteaser gives first graders an opportunity to compose and decompose squares.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This challenging problem and brainteaser gives first graders an opportunity to compose and decompose squares.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
In this interactive math game, students will click on the fraction that is equivalent to the fraction that appears on the screen. They can choose fast or slow mode. Once students complete the level they can choose another level to play.
Material Type: Interactive
In this math video lesson on understanding the language of word problems, students will learn how to use specific words as clues to decide the mathematical operations they'll need to solve a problem. It includes planning, development and evaluation of the lesson by a group of Math specialists. This resource supports English language development for English language learners.
Material Type: Lesson
This tool, created by Science NetLinks, challenges students to consider mathematical equations to get from one number to another in a math maze. Students use a series of addition, subtraction, and multiplication equations to reach their goal.
Material Type: Interactive
This is an interactive game for students to use independently to practice addition, subtraction, multiplicaton, division, and two step equations.
Material Type: Interactive
Students will create sketches to investigate and make generalizations about multiplying single digits by multiples of ten. Then they complete a related worksheet independently.
Material Type: Lesson Plan
Students type in any big number they want, try to write it in written form, and then check to see if they were correct.
Material Type: Interactive
This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important asects of the task and its potential use. Here are the first few lines of the commentary for this task: Plot the following numbers on the number line. 456 \ \ 983\ \ 938 \ \ 425 \ \ 220 \ \ 202\ \ 799 Choose eight pairs of numbers from those you plotted o...
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important asects of the task and its potential use. Here are the first few lines of the commentary for this task: Amy went to the arcade. At the arcade, people can buy tokens to use for the games. Amy paid \$5 to get some tokens. Show two different ways she could h...
Material Type: Activity/Lab
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) videos are designed to support states, schools, and teachers in the implementation of selected math standards. Each video is an audiovisual resource that focuses on one or more specific standards through examples and illustrations geared to enhancing understanding. The intent of each content-focused video is to clarify the meaning of the individual standard rather than to be a guide on how to teach each standard, although the examples can be adapted for instructional use.
Material Type: Lesson
Students bury various pieces of trash in a plotted area of land outside. After two to three months, they uncover the trash to investigate what types of materials biodegrade in soil.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
Students have to identify different ways of making certain amounts of money out of dollars and coins.
Material Type: Interactive
For this interactive, students practice reading a clock, input times for the clock to display, or let the clock generate random times for them to read. Students choose from three difficulty levels.
Material Type: Interactive
In this task, students are required to evaluate two options for receiving prize winnings. To determine which is the more valuable option, students will engage in many of the thought processes outlined in the mathematical practice standards of the Common Core State Standards while exploring the foundations of multiplication.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
In this lesson, students will be able to select and use appropriate units and measurement tools to solve a variety of capacity and length problems.
Material Type: Lesson Plan
This instructional task asks students to determine which number is closest to 1/2. Students must use problem-solving skills to help them complete the task.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
For this instructional task, students are given 2 number lines and are asked to locate the number 1 on each, being as exact as possible.
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important asects of the task and its potential use. Here are the first few lines of the commentary for this task: The number line below shows two numbers, 0 and 1. Where is $\frac14$ on this number line?
Material Type: Activity/Lab
This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important asects of the task and its potential use. Here are the first few lines of the commentary for this task: The number line below shows two numbers, 0 and $\frac53$. Where is 1 on this number line?
Material Type: Activity/Lab
For this instructional task, students label the point where 2/3 belongs on the number line, being as exact as possible.
Material Type: Activity/Lab