T4T More or Less

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Lesson Excerpt:


1.      Gather student leaders at the carpet.

2.      Teacher will choose a student leader to model rolling two dice and counting the pips to identify the total number of pips rolled. (This can be done by using two dice, SMART board or a document camera.)

3.      Student leader will then use manipulatives to create a representation of the quantity rolled on the board, SMART board or document camera.

4.      Teacher will choose another student leader who will roll the two dice again. The student leader will count to identify how many pips were rolled and then build a representation of the quantity beside the first quantity.

a.       Note for teacher: You may want to have student leaders use manipulatives of two different colors so groups can easily be distinguished. (example: One student can use red and the other can use blue.)

5.      As a group students will answer: Which group has more? Which group has less? How do you know? (Equal may need to be reviewed due to the chance students could roll the same number twice.)

6.      Teacher can continue to have student leaders model rolling dice, identifying how many pips were rolled, building the two groups and identifying which group has more and less as needed.

7.      Teacher will then pass out the bag of dice and manipulatives to each student.

8.      Students will work for five to seven minutes to practice rolling the dice, identifying how many pips were rolled, building a group and then repeating to make a second group. Students will then be able to identify which group has more and which group has less.

a.       Teacher note: While students are creating quantities, the teacher is circulating and making note of students’ abilities and strategies.

b.      While observing, identify students who can share when the class is brought back together. Decide the order for students to share with the group based on use of strategies.

9.      Students clean up materials and are brought back together. Pre-select students will share examples they completed during their working time. Teacher will use questions below to facilitate as students discuss which group has more and which group has less.

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