T4T Cluster 4 Family Letter (English & Spanish)

Download: c4-parent-letter.pdf

Download: c4-parent-letter.Spanish.docx

Letter Excerpt:

Dear Family,

During the next few weeks, our class will identify, describe, sort, and build shapes. We will explore two-dimensional (flat) shapes and three-dimensional (solid) shapes. During this time, our class will use vocabulary to identify and describe the attributes of shapes. We will also discuss ways shapes are the same and different.

As your child’s teacher, I will provide hands-on activities with a variety of materials so experiences are meaningful and personal. Students will also have opportunities to make learning personal as they notice and describe shapes from their own lives. As students describe these shapes, they will recognize that shapes may be in a variety of colors, shapes, and positions. For example, a triangle is still a triangle even when it is turned upside down.

Your Partner in Learning,

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