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  • NCES.B.VA.V.1.1 - Use art vocabulary when discussing art and artistic styles.
  • NCES.B.VA.V.1.1 - Use art vocabulary when discussing art and artistic styles.
Still Life Painting: Arranging Nature-Lesson 4
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This lesson is part of a sequential unit. Students display the two still-life paintings that they created in previous lessons, along with their artist's statements. They write a review of a peer's work and discuss all of the paintings in a group critique.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
J. Paul Getty Trust
J. Paul Getty Museum Education Staff
Date Added:
Stories of History: Mrs. Lenin and the Nightingale, 2008
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Students will examine sixteen paintings by George Baselitz. Students will describe the works and discuss details, the reasoning and meaning behind painting upside down, techniques and methods required to work in this manner, and the process behind the series. Students will also analyze the titles and subtitles Baselitz used and the meaning or implications associated with each. Students will compose a dialogue between two characters in the paintings and will experiment with painting with hands and feet in the style of Baselitz.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa Education Staff
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Stories of History: Nine Discourses on Commodus
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Students will view and discuss Cy Twombly's "Nine Discourses on Commodus", research the Roman Emperor Commodus, investigate Twombly's process and technique, and consider the difference between works in a "series" created as "one in a sequence" rather than "stand alones". Students will also discuss how music may inspire visual arts; make paintings based on phrases of poetry; and debate the artistic value of graffiti.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa Education Staff
Date Added:
Teaching Resources from the Denver Art Museum
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This free website provides more than 600 adaptable lesson plans written by teachers in collaboration with the Denver Art Museum for more than 130 objects from the museums world-class art collection. Lesson plans and resources focus on inspiring students to think and problem-solve creatively. Organized in an easy way so that teachers can pick the topic they would like to explore or enhance, then use works of art to teach that subject.

High resolution images are included. Museum visits are not necessary to implement lesson plans. Includes professional and student development tools such as teacher workshops and webinars, virtual classroom courses, career videos, educator blogs and creativity tools. Easy for teachers in language arts, social studies and visual arts to provide a curriculum rooted in the arts while also meeting 21st Century Skills.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Denver Art Museum
Denver Art Museum
Date Added:
Text to Text: Groundbreaking Women, Then and Now
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Celebrate "Women's History Month" through this edition of Text to Text in collaboration with the Makers project (a digital and broadcast initiative from AOL and PBS that showcases stories of groundbreaking women from all walks of life. Students will view video clips, compare texts, answer key questions, and engage a variety of "Going Further" exercises.

The Learning Network provides teaching and learning materials and ideas based on New York Times content. Teachers can use or adapt our lessons across subject areas and levels or contribute their own ideas. Students can respond to our Opinion questions, take our News Quizzes, learn the Word of the Day, try our Test Yourself questions, enter contests, do crosswords, learn about what happened on this day in history, answer 6 Q's About the News, speculate on "What's Going On in This Picture?" or read our Poetry Pairings.

New York Times
Amanda Christy Brown and Katherine Shulten
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Waking, 1984 from the Collection of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao III
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Students will view and discuss Waking, 1984 by Gilbert and George. Working in pairs, students will gather images from newspapers and magazines depicting youth culture and style. Students will then combine the images collected by the class and create a collage showing how they think youth should be depicted by the media. Alternatively, students could create a digital collage by taking pictures of themselves and their peers. Have students discuss how their image selections reflect or represent their generation.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa Education Staff
Date Added:
What is Modern Art?: Modern Portraits
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In this activity, students will learn how modern artists reinvented portraiture. By the turn of the 20th century, photographs had become the most accessible and popular mode of portraiture. As though freed from the burden of realism, portrait painters of the time began to explore new ways to represent people, breaking with the literal and representational portrait of the previous era.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
The Museum of Modern Art
The Museum of Modern Art
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What is Modern Art?: Painting Modern Life
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In this activity, students learn about how artists living in the rapidly modernizing world of late 19th-century Europe wished not only to depict modern (for them, contemporary) everyday life, but also to reveal the emotional and psychological effects of living in a world in rapid flux.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
The Museum of Modern Art
The Museum of Modern Art
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What is Modern Art?: Rise of the Modern City
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Students discover the ways in which artists, photographers, and architects changed the landscape of modern cities. The emergence of the modern city in the early 1900s was shaped by industry, innovations in transportation (railroads in particular), and mass migrations of people.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
The Museum of Modern Art
The Museum of Modern Art
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What is Work and Who are the Workers? (Advanced Level)
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Students will be able to research the history of individual labor unions and interview representatives about benefits and challenges; document in a photographer's journal the process of preparing for and participating in a photography assignment; formally analyze artworks in preparation for a photography assignment; and create an original photograph of a worker that uses leading lines to create emphasis.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
J. Paul Getty Trust
J. Paul Getty Museum Education Staff
Date Added:
What's in a Picture? An Introduction to Subject in the Visual Arts
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When you visit an art museum and enter one of the halls filled with paintings, drawings, photographs and sculptures your eye falls on the image closest to you and you wonder what is that picture about? This lesson plan focuses on helping students to answer that question by investigating the subject of works of art.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
National Endowment for the Humanities
Provider Set:
Jennifer Foley
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Yoko Ono. Half-A-Wind Show. Retrospective: Action Art
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Students will watch and discuss an excerpt from Ono's "Cut Piece" 1964. Students will also record sounds to create audible poems, produce a school-wide sound-sculpture project, and create short videos in response to a series of prompts.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa Education Staff
Date Added:
Yoko Ono. Half-A-Wind Show. Retrospective: The Idea in the Work of Art
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Students will learn about conceptual art, minimalist sculpture, haiku, and readymades through analysis of Yoko Ono's 1966 work "Apple". Students will participate in a number of activities revolving around the theme of "Experiencing the School in a Differnet Way". Activities include writing haiku, producing a collaborative mural project, create a collaborative mixed-media interpretation of one aspect of the school, and conduct a survey of the positive and negative aspects of the school with the goal of promoting positive change.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
FMGB Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa Education Staff
Date Added:
You Oughta Be In Pictures: Exploring Workers in Local Communities Through Photographs
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In this lesson, students learn about Irving Penn’s “The Small Trades” collection. They then scan The New York Times (or other newspapers) for photographs of people at work, clip these images for more in-depth examination, and take their own photographs of people on the job in their community for a class exhibit.

Students will:
1. Examine portraits from Irving Penn’s “The Small Trades” collection.
2. Learn about a famous collection of photographed portraits by reading and discussing the article “Blue-Collar Elegance: Getty Acquires Penn Series.”
3. Analyze images of people on the job clipped from copies of The New York Times (or other newspaper).
4. Take photographs of people in jobs that are either unique or typical to their local community.

Arts Education
Visual Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
New York Times
Michelle Sale and Yasmin Chin Eisenhauer
Date Added: