BT Support Shared Resources

Quick Links to Curriculum Resources

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This professional learning resource was created to provide the BT with one document which houses quick links to a majority of the main resources needed for planning. This "one-stop shop" keeps the BT focused on credible resources without having to search the various sites to locate the planning resources.

Material Type: Curriculum, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy


Mentor Lesson Observation and Reflection

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This mentor lesson observation and reflection form is to be completed by the BT when observing the mentor (or another master teacher) teach a lesson. This form provides a guided opportunity for the BT to reflect on different elements of the lesson and is a springboard for a discussion between the BT and mentor and/or coach.

Material Type: Curriculum, Lesson Plan, Teaching/Learning Strategy


Technology Consequences Chart

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The chart is a guide to help track technology misuse by students and provide appropriate disciplinary action for misusing school assigned devices. The chart can be used for all different types of devices such as laptops, iPods, iPads, desktop computers, etc.

Material Type: Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Ella Wise