T4T Cluster 2 Family Letters (English & Spanish)

Download: c2parent-letter-part1.docx

Download: c2parent-letter-part2.docx

Download: c2parent-letter-part1-kinder.Spanish.docx

Download: c2parent-letter-part2-kinder.Spanish.docx

Dear Family,

During the next several weeks, your child focuses on developing number sense. According to Gersten and Chard number sense “refers to a child's fluency and flexibility with numbers, the sense of what numbers mean and an ability to perform mental mathematics and to look at the world and make comparisons." This is seen when your child connects a number to a group of objects (e.g., “that’s 5”). Students learn to count in the correct sequence, and write and identify numbers. Students also begin to subitize.  This means they recognize a quantity in a group or arrangement without counting. An example of this is when your child instantly knows the amount of dots on a die/dice.

 A solid foundation with understanding of number sense starts children on a journey to becoming great mathematicians. Below are resources that support your child in achieving success as a math student.

Your Partner in Learning, 


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