This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students explore a task about a game …
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students explore a task about a game where they need to find a sum that is close to or equal to 1,000. This is remixable.
This lesson is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students explore addition and subtraction Tasks and …
This lesson is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students explore addition and subtraction Tasks and write mathematical claims about the concepts. This is remixable.
This lesson is from Tools4NCTeachers. In this lesson, students explore addition by …
This lesson is from Tools4NCTeachers. In this lesson, students explore addition by using a strategy based on place value using arrow cards as a tool. Arrow Cards are used in Grade 2 to support students' work with place value. This is remixable.
This lesson is from Tools4NCTeachers. In this lesson, students solve addition and …
This lesson is from Tools4NCTeachers. In this lesson, students solve addition and subtraction problems and represent strategies and solutions on a number line. This is remixable.
This lesson is from Tools4NCTeachers. In this lesson, students explore the relationship …
This lesson is from Tools4NCTeachers. In this lesson, students explore the relationship between addition and subtraction by solving distance problems with a vacation context. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students explore a task in which they …
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students explore a task in which they spend $1,000 on classroom furniture. Students use addition and subtraction to keep track of how much money has been spent and how much money they have left. This is remixable.
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students consider different ways to spend $1,000 …
This task is from Tools4NCTeachers. Students consider different ways to spend $1,000 at a toy store and use addition and subtraction to keep track of how much money they have spent and have left. This is remixable.
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers. The presentation provides background information for teachers …
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers. The presentation provides background information for teachers about various addition and subtraction strategies for Grade 3. This is remixable.
This resource has been enhanced by including links to math resources based in technology and interaction between students.
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers. The presentation provides background information for teachers …
This resource is from Tools4NCTeachers. The presentation provides background information for teachers about various addition and subtraction strategies for Grade 3. This is remixable.
This document is from Tools for NC Teachers. It provides additional resources …
This document is from Tools for NC Teachers. It provides additional resources to support teachers with teaching Cluster 3 in Grade 4. This is remixable.
This lesson is from Tools for NC Teachers. In this lesson, students …
This lesson is from Tools for NC Teachers. In this lesson, students will use various subtraction strategies to develop the standard subtraction algorithm. This lesson is intended to extend over several days to help students gain a deeper understanding of the algorithm and make connections between computation methods. This is remixable.
This lesson is from Tools for NC Teachers. In this lesson, students …
This lesson is from Tools for NC Teachers. In this lesson, students apply their knowledge of place value to add whole numbers by planning four day trips to destinations across North Carolina. This is remixable.
In this lesson, students apply the concept of adding and subtracting whole …
In this lesson, students apply the concept of adding and subtracting whole numbers using the standard algorithms in order to buy items for the classroom.
This lesson is from Tools for NC Teachers. In this lesson, students …
This lesson is from Tools for NC Teachers. In this lesson, students apply their knowledge of place value to subtract whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
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