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  • gedb
Comparing Table Manners Around The World
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Students will identify and share different table manners and understand that they will be considered acceptable and appropriate depending on the culture you are looking at. Students will collaborate and share their own customs and table manners in their families.* This lesson was developed by Sandra Bays as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.  * This is an adaptation from Pamela Gordon. 

Social Studies
Material Type:
Pamela Gordon
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GEBD Ideas Worth Sharing: The Danger of a Single Story (Lesson 1 of 5)
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Students will demonstrate their understanding of how writers make intentional choices that impact the message of a story. This lesson was developed by Jaclyn Garing as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
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GEDB 5th Grade Poverty Unit: Food Simulation (Lesson 2 of 6)
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In this lesson, students will be able to show what they have learned thus far about poverty. On laptops, students will generate and input a list of words that they think describes poverty using an app called Answer Garden . Answer Garden is an interactive tool that allows for students to give feedback in short answer form. As words are added, the most frequently used words will appear larger than the less frequently used words. If the teacher does not have access to Answer Garden or laptops, the students can write each word on a sticky note and place them on the board in front of the classroom. In order to truly understand how people living in poverty feel, students will participate in a food simulation activity. Students will reflect on their feelings after the simulation activity to understand how those may feel who live in poverty. This lesson was developed by Jena Hazelwood as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
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GEDB 5th Grade Poverty Unit: Introduction to Poverty (Lesson 1 of 6)
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In this lesson, students will be introduced to poverty around the world. In order to further their knowledge, the teacher will use a device to play music so the students can find a partner. In pairs, students will be shown images of people living in poverty. The students will use a laptop to read an e-book that shows how a young girl helps her friend in need. Additionally, the teacher will assess the knowledge of the students by having them create a chart that includes what they already know and want to know about poverty. The students will use shapes or any form of counting tool to share what they already know about poverty. This lesson was developed by Jena Hazelwood as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
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GEDB 5th Grade Poverty Unit: Service Learning Project (Lesson 6 of 6)
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In this lesson, students will review ways in which they can help those living in poverty. They will participate in a service project by creating bracelets to raise money for those that live in poverty. The students will also create posters that will advertise the service project to place around the school. Lastly, the students will reflect on what they liked and did not like about the poverty unit. This lesson was developed by Jena Hazelwood as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB 5th Grade Poverty Unit: Simulation and Interactive Map Research (Lesson 4 of 6)
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In this lesson, students will listen to a read aloud book about a struggling farming family that changed their life and overcame poverty. Then, students will explore an interactive map pertaining to poverty in the state that they live in. The students will be split into groups to conduct research and answer questions to reflect and further their knowledge. Students will participate in a simulation activity that will include different scenarios to show how people stay out of poverty while others are forced to live in it. This lesson was developed by Jena Hazelwood as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB 5th Grade Poverty Unit: Video Research (Lesson 3 of 6)
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In this lesson, students will be shown four images of how people eat when living in poverty around the world. Students will have to discuss what is taking place in the images and how poverty may look different in other countries. Students will analyze two videos from different parts of the world in which there is a high percentage of people living in poverty. The students will be placed into groups and rotate through the videos. They will use these videos to conduct research and answer questions to reflect and further their knowledge. This lesson was developed by Jena Hazelwood as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
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GEDB 5th Grade Poverty Unit: What Can We Do? (Lesson 5 of 6)
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In this lesson, students will listen to a read aloud book in order to understand that children and adults can help people living in poverty. Students will be given opportunities to research ways in which they can help within the community and beyond to make a difference in the world of poverty. They will be provided with time to share and reflect on what they have learned throughout the poverty unit. The teacher will assess student achievement by having students fill in the last portion of the Know, Want to Know, and Learned chart. This lesson was developed by Jena Hazelwood as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Pam Batchelor
Date Added:
GEDB 5th Grade Poverty Unit: What Can We Do? (Lesson 5 of 6)
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In this lesson, students will listen to a read aloud book in order to understand that children and adults can help people living in poverty. Students will be given opportunities to research ways in which they can help within the community and beyond to make a difference in the world of poverty. They will be provided with time to share and reflect on what they have learned throughout the poverty unit. The teacher will assess student achievement by having students fill in the last portion of the Know, Want to Know, and Learned chart. This lesson was developed by Jena Hazelwood as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB A Trip Around North America: PowerPoint and Poster (Lesson 2 of 4)
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PowerPoint and Poster - In this lesson, students will create a PowerPoint and poster based on the information gathered during the research process. This lesson was developed by Tia Gilliam as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB A Trip Around North America: Research a Country (Lesson 1 of 4)
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Research the Country – students will become more familiarized with their global region of study by researching a country in North America. This lesson was developed by Tia Gilliam as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB A Trip Around North America: Research a Country (Lesson 1 of 4)
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0.0 stars

Research the Country – students will become more familiarized with their global region of study by researching a country in North America. This lesson was developed by Tia Gilliam as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
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GEDB A Trip Around North America: Share PowerPoint, Poster, & Travel Log (Lesson 4 of 4)
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0.0 stars

Share PowerPoint, Poster and Travel Log - Students will get to teach their peers and teacher about their country of study. They will share the research that they did over the first 2 days by presenting their Powerpoints, posters and travel logs. This lesson was developed by Tia Gilliam as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB A Trip Around North America: Travel Log (Lesson 3 of 4)
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Travel Log – In this lesson, students will create a travel log using digital media detailing an imaginative narrative for two weeks of travel. This lesson was developed by Tia Gilliam as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB Access to Education: Global Skype Connection (Lesson 6 of 6)
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The following lesson is optional.These are two Skype lessons that were planned with a 2nd grade teacher from Guatemala, for our students to connect and meet one another via a virtual form of communication using Skype. I was connected with a class in Guatemala with the help of Teachers 2 Teachers Global (For more information see Digital Resource for Skype Project in the Instructional Unit). The purpose of this activity was so that my 2nd grade Dual Language students could communicate in Spanish with a 2nd grade class in Guatemala who was learning English at their school. This lesson was developed by Gabriela Bermingham as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Social Studies
World Languages
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB Access to Education: Introduction (Lesson 1 of 6)
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0.0 stars

Students are given their "Global Folders" and the teacher explains to them how it will be used throughout this learning unit. The teacher introduces the global issue of: challenges children face in trying to go to school around the world. This lesson was taught to my dual language students in English during their social studies content time. All available resources are provided in English.This lesson was developed by Gabriela Bermingham as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB Access to Education: Leaders Taking Action to Fund Education (Lesson 3 of 6)
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0.0 stars

Students will learn about organizations, campaigns and leaders who are making an effort to help children world-wide go to school and get educated. Such leaders include Michelle Obama with her program and Oprah Winfrey. The students will watch a video about an organization called "Transforming Education for Girls Project." Students will take a leadership role and begin to plan actions to improve conditions in the country of Guatemala by starting a fundraiser at the school level. The funds collected will be used to fund educational teaching materials and student learning resources. The fundraiser is supported by Teachers 2 Teachers Global, who will use the money collected to fund the classroom in which the teacher is connected with and is planning future interactive Skype lessons. (see Leson 6: Skype Lessons with Another Classroom).This lesson was developed by Gabriela Bermingham as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB Access to Education: Natural Disasters' Affect on Schools/Education (Lesson 4 of 6)
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0.0 stars

Students will learn about new friends: Manju from Nepal, Wadley from Haiti, and Jednel from Tanauan. Students learn how different natural disasters, such as earthquakes and typhoons, have destroyed schools in various parts of the world due to their catastrophic nature, leaving children struggling go to school and get an education. These are cross-curricular lessons that include the teachings of science, social studies and the language arts. These lessons were taught in English during social studies/science content time.This lesson was developed by Gabriela Bermingham as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB Access to Education: The Story of Ruby Bridges (Lesson 2 of 6)
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The students will be reading a biography about Ruby Bridges called, Ruby Bridges Goes to School, My True Story (Bridges, 2009). She is an American activist who became a symbol of the Civil Rights movement. At age six, she became amongst the youngest of a group of African American students to integrate schools in the south. She was the first black child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana in 1960. The purpose of this lesson is for students to learn about the struggles that African-American children faced in trying to get an equal education, here in the United States around the 1960's. This lesson is taught in English during the social studies block.This lesson was developed by Gabriela Bermingham as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added:
GEDB Access to Education: Transportation Challenges (Lesson 5 of 6)
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0.0 stars

Students will learn how transportation can be a challenging factor for some children to go to school in other areas of the world. There are children all over the world who are challenged in going to school because of how far their school is, and/or because of their means of transportation. This lesson was taught during social studies content block in English.This lesson was developed by Gabriela Bermingham as part of their completion of the North Carolina Global Educator Digital Badge program. This lesson plan has been vetted at the local and state level for standards alignment, Global Education focus, and content accuracy.            

English Language Arts
Social Studies
Material Type:
Lesson Plan
Melody Casey
Date Added: