This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one …
This is a task from the Illustrative Mathematics website that is one part of a complete illustration of the standard to which it is aligned. Each task has at least one solution and some commentary that addresses important asects of the task and its potential use. Here are the first few lines of the commentary for this task: Isaiah is thinking of the number 9.52 in his head. Decide whether each of these has the same value as 9.52 and discuss your reasoning. 1. Nine and fift...
This parent guide supports parents in helping their child at home with …
This parent guide supports parents in helping their child at home with the 5th grade Math content. Within the folder you will access Parent Guide PDFs in FIVE Languages: Arabic, English, Hindi, Spanish, and Vietnamese to help on-going communication with caregivers.
This resource accompanies our Rethink 5th Grade Math course. It includes ideas …
This resource accompanies our Rethink 5th Grade Math course. It includes ideas for use, ways to support exceptional children, ways to extend learning, digital resources and tools, tips for supporting English Language Learners and students with visual and hearing impairments. There are also ideas for offline learning.
This choice board will work best after teaching all of the NBT …
This choice board will work best after teaching all of the NBT standards as it includes choices for multiplying whole numbers, dividing whole numbers, adding and subtracting decimals, and dividing decimals.
This short video and interactive assessment activity is designed to teach fourth …
This short video and interactive assessment activity is designed to teach fourth graders about comparing decimals with whole numbers using inequalities.
Students will learn how to compare and order decimals. They will have …
Students will learn how to compare and order decimals. They will have opportunities to use the <, >, and = symbols to correctly compare decimals, read comparison statements, and then apply that information to ordering decimals from least to greatest and vice versa.
This is an interactive game in which students practice comparing decimals by …
This is an interactive game in which students practice comparing decimals by choosing the correct symbol to put between the two rain clouds that contain decimals to make the number sentence true.
This video and support materials focus on using what you know about …
This video and support materials focus on using what you know about place value to determine what each digit represents in a number that extends to the hundredths place. Find the value of digits by exploring the number 342.98.
This short video and interactive assessment activity is designed to teach fifth …
This short video and interactive assessment activity is designed to teach fifth graders about determining less than or greater than values of a decimal.
As students delve deeper into their investigations with decimals, this task highlights …
As students delve deeper into their investigations with decimals, this task highlights that the placement of the numbers can be more important than the value of the digits. Just as students use place value drawings in the lower grades to familiarize themselves with ones, tens, and hundreds, fifth graders can gain develop understanding of the decimal places through this task.
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