All resources in Train the Trainer - Curriculum Review Academy Group

The Comic Book Show and Tell

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In this lesson, students will draft a comic book script based on a general prompt (e.g., A super hero saves the day!) and explore basic information about comics and comic book writing. Then, based on the detail and description in the script, students will create the page layout and images of a peer's comic book script. Next, students edit the first drafts of their scripts upon seeing how well the artists were able to match their visuals with the visions the writers had in their head as they initially composed the script. Last, students will share their revised scripts with classmates and discuss how the drafts differed.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Hyperdoc Template for eWISE Research Model

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This resource is a template that teachers can use to create Inquiry Based Research Lessons and Units. It is a hyperdoc template that is based on the eWISE Research Model. It is broken into the 4 stages of the research model (Wonder, Investigate, Synthesize and Express). There are suggestions and details in each stage to help you plan your research unit. Feel free to copy the google doc and create your own research project.

Material Type: Reference Material, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Author: Marley Knapp

United States History, Chapter 2: How is the Constitution Organized to Balance Conflicting Interests?

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The framers of the Constitution designed three branches of government. The role of the legislative branch was to make the laws, the role of the executive branch was to enforce the laws and the judicial branch was to interpret the laws. The constitution is set up in seven sections or articles and also has an introduction called the preamble.

Material Type: Textbook

Authors: Alyson Klak, Amy Carlson, Angela Samp, Ben Pineda, Brandi Platte, Erin Luckhardt, Joe Macaluso

52 Minute Challenge

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Students get one class period (52 minutes) to find a real problem on campus, document it, develop a solution and prepare a market-based presentation to be peer-reviewed the next day. The main goal of this project is to highlight the importance of collaboration when working under a tight deadline - a common situation in today's working world. This project integrates engineering, design and business concepts and meets learning standards from 9th to 12th grade.

Material Type: Assessment, Interactive, Lecture, Lesson Plan, Simulation, Teaching/Learning Strategy

Activity 4C: Granny on the Ramp: Exploring Forces and Motion - Elementary School Version

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In this investigation, students will observe, predict, make inferences, explore developing a hypothesis and manipulate variables, collect data, and practice metric measurement skills. In the first activity, students will construct a ramp and move "Granny" up and down the ramp to better understand motion. In the second activity, students will explore how changing the ramp causes changes in kinetic and potential energy and the effect of friction on Granny's motion on the ramp.

Material Type: Lesson Plan

Gettysburg Address

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This exemplar has been developed to guide high school students and instructors in a close reading of Lincoln?s ?Gettysburg Address.? The activities and actions described below follow a carefully developed set of steps that assist students in increasing their familiarity and understanding of Lincoln?s speech through a series of text dependent tasks and questions that ultimately develop college and career ready skills identified in the Common Core State Standards. This unit can be broken down into three sections of instruction and reflection on the part of students and their teachers, which is followed by additional activities, some designed for history/social studies and some for ELA classrooms.

Material Type: Assessment, Lesson Plan, Primary Source, Reading, Vocabulary

Author: EngageNY

Aesop and Ananse: Animal Fables and Trickster Tales

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In this unit, students will become familiar with fables and trickster tales from different cultural traditions and will see how stories change when transferred orally between generations and cultures. They will learn how both types of folktales employ various animals in different ways to portray human strengths and weaknesses and to pass down wisdom from one generation to the next. Use the following lessons to introduce students to world folklore and to explore how folktales convey the perspectives of different world cultures.

Material Type: Activity/Lab, Lesson Plan, Unit of Study